Page 46 of A New Love

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Marge placed a reassuring hand on Charlotte's shoulder, her eyes meeting those of her younger counterpart with warmth and conviction. "My dear, I knew from the moment we met that you were destined for great things. You have the passion, the creativity, and the grit needed to make The Crown flourish under your care. Trust in yourself, Charlotte. I do."

The rooms gradually emptied out, leaving behind echoes of laughter, whispered secrets, and tender moments shared within their walls. Each item they packed represented a piece of the inn's rich past, and Charlotte felt a sense of awe and responsibility settle over her like a warm, heavy blanket.

"Almost there," Marge murmured, brushing a strand of hair from her forehead. "You're doing a great job, Charlotte."

"Thanks to you," Charlotte replied, her voice filled with admiration and gratitude. "I'm so grateful for your guidance and friendship, Marge."

"And I'm grateful for the chance to pass this place on to someone who will cherish it as I have," Marge said, her eyes shining with sincerity. "Now, let's finish up. There's still much to do. Even with me taking all these trinkets, this house will still be full of junk for you to deal with!"

“Marge! It’s not junk at all. I’m going to love every treasure you leave me. The library alone is like a dream.”

The final box was sealed, and the rooms stood mostly bare, their once-crowded corners now echoing with the memories of years gone by. Charlotte took a moment to walk through the inn, her footsteps echoing softly as she marveled at the space that would soon be filled with her own dreams and ambitions.

She paused in the doorway of what used to be Marge's bedroom, her eyes tracing the floral wallpaper. She could almost hear the older woman's laughter still lingering in the air, and it brought a smile to her face.

"Charlotte," Marge called from downstairs, her voice gentle but insistent. "Come here for a moment, please."

Descending the staircase, Charlotte found Marge standing in the foyer, a small velvet box clasped in her hands. Her blue eyes seemed to hold a secret, and Charlotte felt a flutter of anticipation in her chest.

"Before you officially take over The Crown Inn, I have something for you." Marge opened the box, revealing a single brass key nestled within the satin lining. "This is the original key to the inn, handed down through generations. And now, it's yours."

Charlotte reached out, her fingers trembling as they closed around the cool metal. The weight of the key seemed to carry with it the gravity of the responsibility now resting on her shoulders. As she held it, she felt the history of the inn, the laughter and tears shared within its walls, and the love that had been poured into it by countless hands before hers.

"Thank you, Marge," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I promise I will do everything in my power to make you proud and honor the legacy you've built here."

Marge smiled, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I know you will, Charlotte. You have a heart as big as this house."

As Charlotte clutched the key to her chest, she felt a mix of excitement and fear stirring within her. The future stretched out before her like an unwritten book, each blank page waiting to be filled with new stories and memories. She knew there would be challenges and setbacks along the way, but with Marge's guidance, she was ready to embrace whatever lay ahead.

With the last box securely fastened, Charlotte and Marge stood in the now-empty foyer of the inn. The echoes of their footsteps on the wooden floor seemed to reverberate through the generations that had passed between these walls. As they looked around at the vacant rooms, a bittersweet silence fell between them.

“Van will be by in the mornin,” Marge said, her voice thick. She wrapped Charlotte in one last, tight hug, and then swept away to a waiting car, piloted by none other than Winston, the grandson. As Marge's car pulled away from the inn, Charlotte remained in the doorway, her heart aching. Her hands clenched around the key Marge had entrusted her with, its cool metal serving as a tangible reminder of the responsibility she now carried.

"Here we go," Charlotte whispered to herself, taking a deep breath as she stepped back into the empty inn, ready to begin this new chapter of her life.

She turned on her heels and stepped back inside the inn. Her heart now raced as she walked through the empty rooms, the fading light filtering through the windows casting a warm, nostalgic hue over the spaces she would soon fill with new memories.

She paused in the doorway of the living room. A sense of calm washed over her as she closed her eyes, allowing herself to absorb the energy that surrounded her. Crossing to the mantel of the big fireplace that took up nearly the whole back wall, Charlotte placed the key there. Then, digging in the back pocket of her jeans, she pulled out the old photo of her, Roxanne, and their father, placing one corner in the large, clover-shaped head of the key. Her past and her present, together.

She would hang her painting of The Crown right above this fireplace for all to see. And to remind herself of where it had all began. Charlotte stood there as the sun sank below the horizon, the last of its light disappearing behind the rolling hills. The inn fell into shadow, but Charlotte felt illuminated from within. She knew that with love, determination, and the support of those who believed in her, she could take on any challenge that lay ahead.

She could feel the history of The Crown and all the lives that had passed through its doors, and she knew now she was meant to be a part of that story.
