Page 18 of My Heartless Soul

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Song: Sia – Unstoppable

Ilike to be in control at all times, in all cases, and every day. Because if I’m not in control, someone else is. And I just don’t do well under that kind of pressure.

I am the pressure.

And I relish dangling it over Vassar’s head like a Shun knife. Sharp, tough, and deadly if it slices in the wrong direction. Throwing him pointed looks any time we are at work to make sure he keeps our deal quiet and acts like the love of my life he is supposed to be. Which admittedly proves to be much harder than I anticipated.

Maybe I underestimated his hate for me. He was always so put together anytime I tried to ruffle those handsome feathers; I didn’t think he would be so bothered about by it.

Yet he is.

He bolted out of my office that day with a clenched jaw and such hatred in his eyes I almost thought I was looking into a mirror, seeing my own reflection looking back at me instead of his.

Only it wasn’t just hatred I saw there.

There was also desire.

Maybe I should feel bad for using him once again to make myself feel better, but I don’t waste time on such trivial feelings. He can get on board or leave for good.

Landon’s idea didn’t seem all that bad when I saw Steven standing in front of me, wearing that disgusting, cocky smile of his, and as soon as my eyes landed on my favorite toy, I knew I was going with it.

But two days later, all those thoughts have gone out the door when the one and only Steven-fucking-clinger gives an interview in which he talks about me breaking his heart and cheating on him.

He also announces that he loves me so much he is willing to look past it all and work on our relationship.

Fucking idiot. He made me swear off sex. And I love sex.

Or my version of it…

If I thought the paparazzi were bad before, it’s nothing compared to now.

They are everywhere, flocking to me like a hoard of loud crows they are. Tracking my every move around New York and trying to catch a glimpse of my new “boyfriend.” On top of that, Julius is pissed at me for doing this without him since he wanted to personally vet the guy and all that.

Overprotective much…

Landon, on the other hand, is pissed that I didn’t give him the breaking news first and he didn’t make the headlines with “his own idea,” as he put it. But ask me if I care about his hurt feelings.

Not in the slightest.

I have much more important matters to think about. Like what else to use against Vassar to make him do all these next parts. Because now, I am required to make it up to both of the assholes in my life by bringing him to a family dinner and giving Landonan exclusive interview with both of us. With pictures. Kill me now.

“Vassar,” I call out to him and watch his relaxed posture stiffen, growing with tension and hidden fury, and that turns me the fuck on.

Damn it, but this fake boyfriend of mine is a fine male specimen. Especially when every muscle on his body, his arms and back grow rigid, showcasing what he is hiding beneath that white chef’s coat.

And not for the first time in years, I allow myself to eye fuck my little toy. I won’t cross the line. I won’t sleep with my employee like that shameless asshole, Landon but I will never stop using him as inspiration for my late-night session in my cold bed.

The whole no more sex thing really doesn’t work for me, but I will not be falling into a trap like the one Steven set up for me again. I am a smart girl; I learned from my mistakes the first time, whether I am ten-years-old and cut the carrots into perfect one-fourth pieces going forward or I am thirty and not sleeping with another man with no brain.

“Yes, Chef?” He finally lifts up his head from the plate he was inspecting.

“Go change, we leave in ten.” I don’t ask. I don’t give him an option to say no or that he can’t.

My orders are non-negotiable. My control is non-negotiable.

Not after I grew up without a shred of it.
