Page 21 of My Heartless Soul

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“Princess, this is my sister, Kira. And that is indeed, Vassar Levidis, who is Kira’s boyfriend.”

“Fake boyfriend,” both Kira and I speak out at the same time and glare at each other.

Well, this will be a long evening…

Chapter ten


Song: Elle Duhe – Pieces

After all the introductions are over, we’re gestured over to the table and seated right next to each other, much to my dismay. I could do with some space from this boss of mine. The very tempting, beautiful, and dangerous boss of mine. The one whose red hair is becoming my guide and kryptonite all at the same time. And that absolutely can’t be happening for a multitude of reasons.

And also, why are they so quiet? And staring. They are staring at us like we are two celebrities who walked into their home at random.

“So…” This big guy, who I learned is Landon Locke, the CEO of freaking Fashion Linc magazine, breaks the awkward silence first. “When is that apology coming?” he asks Kira, as his fiancée, Lexi, who is a tiny blonde pixie, starts bringing out dishes full of good-smelling food.

It is extremely bold to cook something for this fake girlfriend of mine. In all the years I have known her, she was never once satisfied with anything anyone made for her. But those thoughts fade away as I am listening to Landon.

“What apology?” Kira sits back in her chair with her wine glass dangling in her hand, looking bored with us mortals.

“The one where you admit I’m right and you’re wrong.”

“Don’t hold your breath. That one isn’t coming since all your advice did was make it even worse. Now the damn wolves are even hungrier for a piece of my personal life.”

“That is because you did it all wrong,” he deadpans. “But not the point here. What is…” His sinister smirk is back on. “Is that you took my advice.”

Kira sneers at him and gears up to throw in some snarky response when Lexi sets the last plates with steamy, cheesy lasagna in front of us. “Um, I hope you like it,” she says somewhat shyly and skips over to her seat next to Landon.

“Lexi is an amazing cook, and we basically grew up watching all of your cooking competitions,” Kate adds and digs in. “Lex, this is really good today.”

I take my fork and cut a piece to try, but as soon as the hot doughy goodness filled with mixes of nontraditional cheeses, at least four different types of mushrooms, eggplant, and tomatoes hit the receptors on my tongue, every last one of them sings in joy. “Wow, Lexi, this is truly delicious,” I tell her, and I really do mean it.

The little blonde woman smiles, her cheeks heating up from the compliment. “Thank you. It’s not too weird? I wasn’t sure if all of those ingredients would work together.”

“No, it’s a great twist on a classic lasagna that we all know.” I take another bite and watch from the corner of my eye as Kira lifts the first bite to her mouth. It is tiny, but at least she is trying it without a scowl on her beautiful face.

Fuck me, she has been my fake girlfriend for all of two days, yet somehow, in my mind, she has already gone from “don’t even think about her” to “all I wanna do is touch her.”

No, not touching. She is the she-devil. Remember? The one that enslaved you for God knows how long. The one who has no heart. Not to mention, you absolutely cannot bring someone like that into your life.

Not that she’d want my crappy apartment with a little sister and a five-year-old daughter as a bonus.

I shake my head in hopes that images of Kira in my space somehow self-destroy themselves and focus back on the present. “Did you make the sauce yourself?”

“Yes,” she beams. “I used a few different tomatoes in it.”

“You did an amazing job. Where do you work?”

“Oh, I am the best damn journalist my fiancé ever hired.” She waves it off like it’s nothing, and we all—except for Kira, of course—chuckle.

“A girl of many talents. You are a lucky man, Landon.” His smile turns genuine and warm as he takes her hand and kisses the back of it.

“That I am.”

“But maybe we can persuade you to jump ship?” I ask without thinking, and Kira’s head whips towards me like a snake, ready for an attack.

“Maybe ask your boss before you make those kinds of statements.”
