Page 23 of My Heartless Soul

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“Look who’s talking.” Landon throws him an unimpressed brow. “How many times did your fingers play around already this past hour?” He smiles a sinister, knowing smile as Kate’s cheeks grow red, letting everyone know Landon hit the mark in the bull’s eye.

“And then you ask why I never come to your dinners,” Kira says and goes back to eating as if nothing happened.

This is the weirdest family I have ever met, yet they all seem to love each other. Well, all except Landon and Kira. Those two seem to be in some sort of personal world war.

“Back to sleeping together,” Landon proceeds without care.

“How many times were you dropped as a baby?” Kira asks him, folding her hands across her chest and pushing those pert tits up for my eyes.

Fuck me, did I really have to get a boner right now at this table with her brother a few places down.

“One too many, obviously,” Lexi answers for him.

“Kitten, watch your pretty mouth because there is so much I can do without actually fucking you.”

“Landon! Seriously, I don’t want to hear about this shit.”

“Fine, back to your sister’s sex life then,” he says, and Julius slaps the palm of his hand to his face.

“My sex life is none of your concern. Especially since I have no interest in sleeping with my employee like someone else at this table.” She sends him a condescending smile.

“Shame. It is quite a high.”

Oh, she has no interest in sleeping with me…well, that is a new piece of information that somehow bruises my ego. Why? The hell if I know. I don’t want this woman to want me, yet I do.

“You got that part twisted, Kira. It ismewho has no interest inyou.” A devious grin spreads on her face.

“Now, who is the one who looks at me like that” she mocks me with the same line I used on her a few moments ago and looks victorious. “Like you picture my naked body sprawled over your prep table every day. I watch you, Vassar. I watch you a whole lot,” she drags the last part out. Her head tilts to one side, and the glaring is back on.

Because damn it. Yes, I want her like I haven’t wanted anyone else in a very long time. I want to own her stubborn pussy. I want to show her how much she pisses me off.

I’ve wanted it for a while, but I won’t take it. Not now, or ever.

“See? All that tension. It would be one explosive night for you both. Hey, maybe you could also take that stick out from up her ass while you were at it?” Landon doesn’t stop with his remarks, and now I am getting a little tired of him, too, because my dick doesn’t need any more encouragement.

Chapter eleven


Song: Kindur, ARCANA – Alchemy

To say this dinner is a shit show like I knew it would be is not to say anything. Julius just keeps scowling at Landon, Vassar, and me all at the same time. His little fiancée, Katerina, looks at me like I am her personal hero when she should know better that no sister of Julius—blood-related or gifted through a foster system—should be called a hero.

We are cut from the same cloth, and while Julius is the broken one, I take the heartless spot.

Landon can’t seem to shut the fuck up while also running his tongue all over Lexi. And I do mean that exactly as I said it. In between throwing jabs at me, he licks her neck, collarbone, shoulder, fingers, and anything else he can get his mouth on. Fucking disgusting.

And a little hot.

Okay, fine, a lot hot…and watching both of these couples feeling so freely tugs at something in that cold, blood-pumping muscle of mine. Something very close to jealousy and longing. Need to feel this much adoration and love.

This much devotion and passion.

No one has ever loved me like that, and I haven’t exactly let them either.

Not after my heart was carved out of my body at a very young age. Burned and spread over the ocean waters…

