Page 39 of My Heartless Soul

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She exhales a tired breath since I apparently exhaust her with my silly questions. “We are flying to California, which is three hours behind us. This means by the time we get there, it will be around eight AM our time, which means I can deal with all the shit and get back home before we start dinner service. Is that clear enough for you?”

“Jesus, Kira, do you sleep at all?”

“No. I am a soulless vampire.”

“No surprise there. Well, I am not so, please feel free not to wake me up when we arrive.”

But sleep doesn’t come. Not when she is right across from me, and everything about her—from that fiery hair to her perky tits behind that jacket to her cold personality—keeps my mind too busy.

Yes, other parts of my body, too.

“Is Julius your only brother?” I hear myself asking out loud.

“I am feeling free not to wake you up over here.”

My hand comes up to my face as I rub the bridge of my nose. “Can’t you just answer?”


“Because I asked?” Why did I ask a whole other question, but let’s chalk it up to exhaustion.

Kira sits in silence, clicking away on her phone, and I decide to give up and try to sleep after all when she sighs and looks up. “Yes. He is. Anything else?”

“How come it looked like you were in his place for the first time?”

“I did not mean that as a literal invitation to ask me more questions.”

“Too bad, so sad. I asked anyway.”

“Wow, so very six-year-old of you.”

“Five,” I correct her since it’s my Vee who says that, and she’s one smart five-year-old.


“So very five-year-old of me. And you are evading my question, which means I’m right, and that was your first time there.”

“What is it with the men in my life and stupid questions today,” I hear her mutter under her breath as she crosses her arms across her chest, her mouth pulling into a thin line. And no, I absolutely didn’t catch her calling me her man. Or referring to having some other men in her life that made me sit up straighter while my blood was heating up. “Yes, that was my first time there, happy?”

“Are you not close with your brother?”

“I am close enough.”

“Which means no.”

“Look, you don’t know anything about me or my relationship with Jules, okay?” I hear that undercurrent tension rising. The dangerous kind. The one that says this is a sensitive topic. “We are there for each other when it matters, and that is enough for both of us.”

“Okay.” I nod and let it go. Obviously, there is a goldmine of secrets under that answer, but I am not stupid enough to think she will give me any of those, and we dissolve into another layer of silence.

Which Kira is the one to break. “Do you have any?”

“What? Brothers?” She nods. “No, but I do have a sister.”


“Mm-hmm.” I should go to sleep and stick to staying away from her, but I am a much worse liar than I pretend to be because I want to keep talking to this prickly woman. I want to know her when I shouldn’t. When I should keep hating her. Instead, I ask, “What’s your favorite color?”

“Really?” She arches an eyebrow at me.
