Page 67 of My Heartless Soul

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“I guess I learn from the best.”

“Touché. And I’m afraid you don’t have a choice.”

Vassar sighs and looks over to me. “I want this thing between us to be done.”

He really does. I can see it in his eyes. He really wants to cut the ties between us, and I am the only one holding onto to nothing here. What do I even want from him anymore?

In reaction? His huge dick? Indifference? Or is it something I am too afraid to even think about?

“We give that interview, and the press should settle, okay?”



And so the silence continues until he breaks it once again. “I’m sorry about Victoria earlier,” Vas sighs again, this time it’s a loaded one. “I had no idea she felt like that.”

“She’s just a kid.” I swallow the lump stuck in my throat. “I know she didn’t mean anything by that.”

Because no one would. I am not meant to be a mother.


I also don’t want to think too hard about the words she did say about the one who gave birth to her…

“Are you okay?”

“What?” His question caught me off-guard.

“Are you feeling okay? You are clutching your stomach pretty hard.”

“Oh.” Damn it. I quickly released my hand, dropping it to my lap. Now is not the time for my freak out. “I’m all good.” I clear my throat and change the subject. “Is your ex in a picture at all?”

Okay, I admit I should simply shut up because I see his jaw tick at my question. The one I don’t even want to know an answer to myself.

“No. She’s not,” he answers, looking out the window.

My stupid mouth opens up to ask why or where she is or how the hell she could leave her beautiful, sweet daughter, but I catch myself before any of that actually flies out.

I don’t need to know this. I don’t want to know this. I can’t know more about this family than I already do. “Did you guys settle into your rooms?” There is a safe topic, and Vassar visibly relaxes.

“Yeah, we took everything to the room downstairs, the one you told me to stay in the last time.”

I nod. “And the girls? Did they settle into their rooms?”

Vas frowns. “We didn’t touch any other rooms.”

“What? Why?”

“Why would we?”

“Um, because you can. Because there are more than enough rooms. Because I invited you to stay at my place and not feel cramped like you did in that old apartment of yours.”

“Well, we are fine in that one room.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Kira,” he groans. “Can you not do this for one minute?”
