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We managed to get Aznai onto one, while Madison and I each climbed onto our own.

Anlon took the Hiika we had formerly used as a pack mule.

As the sun painted the horizon in shades of pink and gold, we rode away from the mansion, leaving behind the threats, the intrigue, and the danger.

But with every beat of the Hiika’s hooves on the ground, I felt a growing sense of hope.

The Fli’at , Onshev, and the Silverback were behind us.

Ahead lay the promise of a new day and the boundless possibilities that came with it.

And with Madison by my side and my loyal servant back with us, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love.

A screeching yell issued up from the mansion as Onshev bellowed orders and insults at the Silverback who had been on guard.

“Looks like our secret is out,” I said.

I clucked my tongue and jabbed my Hiika softly under the ribs.

The adventure was far from over, but in that moment, with the wind in our faces and the vast world stretching before us, everything seemed possible.



The rhythmic patter of the Hiikas’ hooves against the soft earth was comforting.

Each stride carried us further from danger and closer to the security of freedom.

The world seemed to stretch out infinitely before us, a tapestry of red grasses swaying gently in the breeze and the sun, which blazed a radiant gold, casting its warmth upon the land.

I felt Lorik’s hand squeeze mine gently.

His touch was different — those cool blue scales against my skin, the texture both foreign and familiar.

Turning to him, our eyes met, and we shared a smile that conveyed a thousand unspoken words.

The connection was real, and it deepened with every shared glance and touch.

We’d been riding in silence for what felt like hours when Anlon pulled his Hiika to a stop.

We followed suit, the three of us forming a small circle on the vast expanse of the plain.

His old, weathered face, which once bore an expression of resignation, was now alive with gratitude.

“I cannot thank you enough,” Anlon began, his voice thick with emotion. “I had resigned myself to a life within those suffocating walls. But now… now I can breathe freely again.”

His words were heartwarming, but it was his actions, the way he deeply inhaled the fresh air, that genuinely conveyed his feelings.

I took a moment to do the same, the scent of wildflowers and fresh grass filling my lungs.

The air was sweet, unlike the musty atmosphere of the mansion.

“You helped us more than we helped you,” I replied, my voice soft but earnest.

Lorik nodded in agreement. “We’re in this together, Anlon.”

The old Chi chuckled, a lightness in his eyes that hadn’t been there before. “Together, yes. But now, our paths must diverge.”
