Page 3 of Coming Home

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Later that night, after booking my flight and packing for a two-or-three-day trip, I lay in bed tossing and turning. I want to get a good night's sleep so I can be somewhat presentable after the flight, but sleep eludes me.

My mind, preoccupied with thoughts about my childhood and growing up in the small town of Willowcreek, Maine. The Treehouse is at the center of those childhood memories, along with my friends and memories of an old flame that I still carry the scars from.

One memory pushes itself to the forefront of my mind. It was the day I met Asher and his two friends, Knox and Jaxson, at the Treehouse for the first time.

The kids around our neighborhood were excited when Mrs. Kendall’s husband built the treehouse behind their home. They didn’t have kids of their own and adopted all the ones in the neighborhood.

I remember leaving right after school one day, excited to get the chance to play with my dolls in the Treehouse. I climbed, holding onto them tightly, but as I reached the top they were snatched right out of my hands.

I cried, begging Jaxson and Knox to give them back, but it was Asher who eventually got my dolls from them and gave them back. That single act endeared him to me, he was my hero.

But by a mocking twist of fate, that endearment ended in the Treehouse too. The memory is a bitter one.

“Don’t touch me, Asher!” I scream at him.

“Sammy you're being dramatic!” he tells me, trying to stroke my arm.

I want to slap his hand away, but I slap his face instead. “Fuck you, Asher! You make me sick. Don’t touch me–you're just like every other cheater. I don’t want anything to do with you.”

That was the last time we saw each other. We had just graduated and were able to easily avoid each other now that we were out of school. Shortly after, my mother and I moved away to Chicago.

I try to make up for my restless night on the plane, but I can’t, and the lack of sleep is making me cranky. By the time I arrive at Mrs. Kendall’s straight from the airport, I’m in a sour mood.

There are quite a few cars parked outside Mrs. Kendall’s home, none that I recognize of course. But the prospect of one of them being Ashers has my heart racing. Pushing the thoughts aside, I look down at my phone and frown. I’m only ten minutes late, but the perfectionist in me prefers to be early rather than late.

Entering the house is like stepping into a time machine. Inside looks exactly the same as it did so many years ago and for a moment, I feel like a kid again. But Grandma Kendall isn’t here to give me sweets anymore. Instead, a short stocky woman introduces herself as Ms. Macy Dorman and ushers me into the living room.

I’m surprised to see so many familiar faces: Madison, Kylie, Knox, and Jaxson, all of which I used to hang out with in high school. I guess these are the people the lawyer insisted Mrs. Kendall wanted present for the reading. Not that I’m surprised, we were her favorites.

I hug Madison first and she slaps me on the butt. “Damn girl, I bet you can still fit in your cheer uniform. I missed you, but hate you at the same time.”

I laugh, and squeeze her tight, “At least you're shaped like a woman and not a school girl,” I fire back.

Madison and I were the closest friends because we were on the cheer team together. She has changed so much since I last saw her. She still has her thick long brown hair which compliments her green eyes, but her figure is curvier in a sexy all woman kind of way.

I head for Kylie next. “Hi Kylie, Oh wow, your hair!”

“I know, I stopped fighting with it every day. Besides I live in New Orleans and work in a studio all day, nobody sees me,” she says even as she grabs her riot of big curls and starts braiding it down.

She used to hang around with us because of her friendship with Knox. She was the shy type back in high school, and very nice to hang out with. She looks much the same, with her curly red hair and sparkling green eyes.

Knox is next as he bounces on his feet, eager to give me a hug. “Sammy!” he murmurs and pulls me in tight.

“Great to see you!” I laugh, smiling at the good vibes he always gives off.

I knew Knox because he hung around with Jaxson. He had this cool surfer vibe that was sweet and down to earth that seemed to carry over into adulthood. He looks like a grown-up version of his high school days. Shaggy dirty blond hair, soft kind eyes, and an absolute sweetheart.

Jaxson is last, but certainly not the least. He doesn’t hug me but takes my hand and kisses it. He says something in French and Knox slaps him on the shoulder.

“Nice to see you again Sam,” he says suavely.

“Nice to see you, Jaxson,” I say, and can’t help but smile when he does. Those dimples of his are infectious.

Jaxson was a heartthrob back in his day. His shaggy brown hair, hazel eyes, and swoon-worthy dimpled smile made him very popular with the ladies. He was also a pretty good football player until a torn ACL injury took him off the playing field. But he’s become a famous chef now, so I guess it turned out well for him.

These guys were there for my formative years. I make quick pleasantries with everyone even as the lawyer urges us to each take a seat so she can begin as soon as the last person arrives.

From the guys here I have an inkling who would join us and the thought of him has my nerves on edge. Not that they should be. What happened between him and I was years ago, but for some reason no matter the time… it still left an ache in my heart.
