Page 33 of Coming Home

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“No, I should've seen this coming. Getting involved with Asher again was a mistake. I knew it but I let everyone talk me into it.” The frustration and anger bleed into my voice.

“Sam, you can't control the actions of the paparazzi or the media. What happened won’t mess with your business. Transcend Events is the best, and no one can say any different.” Her voice gets fake cheery at the end before she says, “Come on Sam, having a hot quarterback in the sack will do you good, girl. I’m sure of it!”

Something inside me snaps.

“Is this a joke to you? This is my life! I didn’t stay home with my mom and work in her store, Madi. I went out and made my own life, my own name. My business could suffer from this.” The line is silent and I instantly regret what I said.

But in true Madison style, she doesn’t take that lying down. “Oh? Well, I'm sorry that my sacrifices are too small-town for the likes of you. Call me with your apology when you get that stick out of your ass, uptight bitch.”

“Fuck!” I scream out to the empty room.

Madi didn’t deserve that, and I sure as hell didn’t mean it. I call her number back and she answers immediately, her voice bright-yet-pissy as she says, “How can I help you?”

“Madi, I'm sorry. I was lashing out and I didn’t mean what I said. My doubts and insecurities run deep, but I had no right taking it out on you like that.” I finish and listen to her breathing, waiting.

“I accept your apology, but only if you act like the bad bitch you are and own it. This thing with Asher is good, and you're letting some assholes that know nothing about you two get in between you. And I'm sorry, Sam, but if you aren’t willing to fight for a good thing, then you don’t deserve it.” When she finishes, I realize I have a lot to think about.

My phone rings again, and I look at the screen to see Philipa's number.Here we go, I think to myself. How is she going to take this?

I pick up. “Hi, Phil.”

“You know, if you’d told me you were going to bump uglies with the likes of Asher Stoll, I’d have cautioned you about the backlash, and we would’ve at least been prepared for the headlines today.” Her voice is calm and collected, which makes me worried. Usually, I'm the stoic one.

“I’m sorry, Phil.” I don’t know what else to say. I have a company to run and people who depend on me, and I let them down.

“I have a few questions in order to proceed. First, is he involved with Valerie Hendrix? Second, was it just a one-night stand? And third, how did you two even hook up?” Her questions are a bit personal, but if she can help sort out this mess, I'll tell her how many times I go to the bathroom in a day if need be.

“He isn’t involved with Hendrix, and said he wouldn't touch her if she was the last woman on earth,” I tell her with a little satisfaction. “And it wasn’t a hook-up, we dated in high school. We’re from the same hometown.”

“Oh yeah, I remember Stoll’s from a little town in Maine, never made the connection. Anyway, this is why I'm the face of the company. You can’t handle these situations.” Phil sighs and I can almost hear the cogs in her brain working. “Listen, here’s what you do. I want you to stay put. Asher is the main focus, but you're a novelty, so they’ll be interested in you and want any info they can get. I’ll liaise with Asher’s team and come up with a game plan. No worries, I'll figure this out by tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Phil, I'll talk to you later,” I tell her before hanging up.

My thoughts turn to Asher and the little time we spent together, our passion rekindled, only for it to end like this—hounded by paparazzi.

I had hoped that reconnecting with Asher would lead to something beautiful and lasting, but what happened instead has changed what I thought for a brief moment was a possible future between us.

The headlines, the rumors, and the chaos that comes with our reunion aren’t a life I can navigate. Asher’s world of fame will continue to threaten our connection, and I begin to think that we are destined to be apart.

I close my eyes and try to push away the hurt that wants to spill out with my tears. I know I’m in love with Asher. But now, after finally accepting what I’ve tried to fight for years, I’m no longer sure if love is enough.

I’m still wearing my clothes from yesterday, so I go take a shower. I think that maybe the warm water might help relax me but it doesn’t. My mind is still preoccupied with what happened.

Still in my robe, I take out my computer with the intent of doing some work. But my email is bombarded with requests for interviews from various news outlets. I slam the laptop closed, and settle on the bed to kill some time watching movies.

Three and a half movies in, I’m ready to jump through a window. I can’t stand just sitting in this hotel room and doing nothing. The waiting around is driving me crazy.

I get off the bed with a sigh of frustration, and get dressed. I look at myself in the full-length mirror in the bathroom a few minutes later. Dressed in jeans and a plain pink t-shirt, I wonder if any of the paparazzi would actually recognize me.

Just to be safe, I dig into my suitcase for a pair of sunglasses, put my hair up in a ponytail, and pull on my baseball cap. Hopefully, I can just blend in like everyone else in town.

I try to look calm and unassuming as I exit the hotel and start my trek into town. I tell myself that I'll stay close to the hotel in case I need to run back to the safety of my room. I only need a short walk to clear my mind.

I don’t stay near the hotel. I can’t quite seem to relax, and my walk takes me to the last place in this town I thought I would find myself. My childhood home.

Chapter Twelve

