Page 16 of Partner Material

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Andrew simply leaned back against the desk. “Just calling it like I see it,” he said coolly. He shrugged, not a care in the world. Early afternoon sun was streaking in, gilding his shiny hair, caressing the side of his jaw. The combination of infuriating good looks and good ol’ boy confidence was enough to make me see red.

“Why are you like this?” The words slipped out of me.

“Like what?”

“Don’t play dumb, Andrew, it doesn’t suit you,” I snapped back. “Antagonistic, hyper-competitive, overly confident, insulting. It wasn’t always like this.”

He came off the desk a rush, forcing me to look up at him as he stalked towards me, eyes glittering. I tipped my chin up, trying to affect an air of nonchalance, when in reality I was seething with anger. Anger him for not taking me seriously, and anger at myself for foolishly being entranced by him.

He stopped in front of me, bracing a hand against the wall, but staying very careful not to crowd me. “I’m the one trying to mend this fence. It wasn’t always like this. We were, dare I say it, friends, at one point in the distant past. And thenyou, with your hyper-competitive, overly confident, insanity, ruined it for everyone.” His voice was silky smooth, belying the flex in his jaw, and the tension in his body, as he threw my words back at me.

I scoffed and he raised his eyebrows, leaning in towards me, the nearness of him causing me to shiver slightly. “Or don’t you remember stealing the Thomson deal from me? I didn’t make hours that year. I was devastated. I thought I was going to get fired.” He spoke with deadly softness, like he was telling me a secret. He looked like he might kill me or devour me and my body responded in kind, arcing slightly off the wall towards him, as if I wanted to be devoured. He noticed and his eyes darkened, lips parting slightly on an exhale.

“Like you need the money.” I looked away from his too-intent gaze, remembering the deal I had poached from him because I had wanted the hours, had wanted to finish the year on top. Another Christmas Eve spent in the office.

“Look at me,” he demanded.

I obeyed, irritated with myself for meeting his eyes before I could think about the fact that he was ordering me around.

“Don’t make me out to be the bad guy,” he murmured, coming closer to me, until the soft fabric of his sweater was nearly touching mine. I wondered if it felt as soft as it looked. Did he wear an undershirt, or was that soft cashmere pulling tight over his bare skin? “We’ve been playing this game for a long time. We’re both at fault.” His green eyes hypnotized me, their depths filled with an emotion I couldn’t name.

I didn’t respond, but just reached up my hand to touch the hem of his sweater, rubbing the fine material between my fingers. I felt like I was in a trance. He was right, we both had traded barbs, pranks and insults for years, until it felt like this was the default for how we interacted. I opened my mouth to tell him that, when my finger brushed the bare skin of his stomach and he groaned. I snatched my hand back but not a second later his mouth descended on mine.

We collided. He was firm and warm, teasing me, nipping at my lower lip, tongue slipping against the seam of my lips. I met him with the same fierceness. Some men started a first kiss tentatively, hesitantly. Andrew kissed like he had been waiting for me his entire life, like he had imagined this a thousand times and knew exactly how to get me to open for him. One hand on my hip pressed me into the wall, but I arched up toward him and pushed my hands into his glorious silky hair. He tasted like coffee and delicious, forbidden pleasure. Already my stomach tightened and my breaths caught in my chest. He felt perfect, so perfect against me. Just like I had imagined he would. He devoured me, hitching me forward onto his thigh and pressing open-mouthed kisses against my throat. I was trapped in the cage of his body and I loved it. I moaned as his lips played along my collarbone.

He froze, dropping me unceremoniously against the wall. I leaned against it, chest heaving. He looked almost pained, eyes closed, like a greek statue. Head bent, body curved over mine, the muscles of his arms and shoulders taut.

I should not have touched him, should not have made the first move.Stupid, Margo. The first mover always loses.

His eyes met mine. Lust swirled in the deep green depths. “I always wondered if you felt it too.” His soft exhalations moved my hair and I shuddered.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I refused to agree with him but my protests lacked their usual vigor. Embarrassment at my reactions to him burned through me.

“Don’t play dumb, Margo, it doesn’t suit you. You want me and you don’t want to admit it,” he continued, lips moving under my ear. My breath came in short gasps and my traitorous body pressed toward him. I closed my eyes against the force of his presence.

“Andrew. I can’t.” Three words and he won. He went still. I opened my eyes to see him examining my face. “Wecan’t.” I amended. Time slowed. His eyes dropped to my lips. I saw his light with fire before he met mine again. A single dark brow lifted.I could make this so good for you, he seemed to say. My lips parted and he leaned in.

I had to save this before he gained the upper hand, forever. Before he said something to Gerald. Because the Andrew I knewwoulduse this against me.

“Don’t toy with me.” My voice sounded breathy and high to my own ears and I kicked myself mentally. “This was a mistake. It won’t happen again.”

“Of course.” His eyes went flat and he stepped back. “I can only assume this is why you hate me so much.” His voice was light, mocking. “Must be difficult going around wanting someone you can’t have. Don’t worry, I won’t read into it too much.”

A breath left my chest. This was the Andrew I was used to. He played to win. My face heated at how nonchalant he was, how easily he pulled me into his orbit and then sent me spinning out of control.

“Good. Don’t. It doesn’t mean anything.” The words were harsh on my lips and I tore my gaze from him. I turned to get my coffee and get the hell out of here.

“Keep telling yourself that,” he mocked. “Why can’t you just admit it? You want me.”

I turned, practically vibrating with anger. “Stop pushing me,” I hissed.

“You’re doing exactly what I expected from you.” His arms were crossed and his eyes hard.


“Running. It’s what you always do.” He shrugged.

I froze.Was that true?No way. Andrew was just messing with me. He didn’t have any special insight. I didn’t need to take his words seriously.
