Page 26 of Partner Material

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It was really fucking difficult to work with her right next to me. This office was way too small for two people, despite what Gerald and Ann thought. They had clearly never worked side by side with someone they wanted to screw. I nearly laughed at the thought of Gerald and Ann being attracted to each other but stopped myself.You’re losing it, Markman.And I was. The only good thing about being five feet from Margo was the distraction it provided from the rest of my shit life.

I texted Schwartz when I had a free minute in between meetings. His profile picture on my phone was a photo of him with Liam when they had first adopted him. Liam’s tiny fists waved in the air and his eyes were open wide, taking in the world. The side of my mouth kicked up.

Andrew Markman

I’m moving out of Park Avenue.

A minute later he called. I glanced at Margo. Her headphones were in and she was deep in a document. I hit “answer.”

“You’re finally moving out?” He jumped in with no greeting. Schwartz had been telling me to move out for years.

“Yeah, man. I told you how terrible the date was with Portia. I can’t do it anymore.” He and I both knew that “it” meant playing the part of the perfect son, arranged marriage, shackles and all.

“I’m proud of you.” His quiet approval meant the world. “Need any help moving out?”

“I haven’t even told them yet.”

I heard his sharp inhale. “That will be…unpleasant. Are you prepared to have that conversation?”

“Not really,” I grumbled. I knew there would be yelling. I couldn’t simply refuse to date someone they chose and I couldn’t just move out of the apartment. My father, at least, would understand the symbols held power, and if I rejected those things, his power over me was diminished.

“Do you want me to be there?” Gratitude swelled in my chest for my brother.

“Thanks, man. No, I’ll handle it over the phone. You saw how mad Mom was about the date with Portia. I need a little time before I say something. Besides, I don’t have much there anyways. Just personal items.” I frowned at the thought of how little I had done to the apartment. I wasn’t prohibited from changing things, I had just never felt the need to leave a mark. It had always been transitory.

“So have you found a new place?”

“Uh, yeah.” I dropped my voice to a whisper. “Downtown actually. In a colleague’s building.” I prayed he wouldn’t force me to explain.

“You know, Andrew, I worried you were becoming like him at one point. With how much you work, and how much control they try to exercise over you. This is the right choice. Make your own way.”

“Thanks, man.” My voice came out rough. Schwartz hung up and I scrubbed a hand over my face.

Too much was changing right now and I felt unmoored. New apartment, new office, what promised to be a huge fight with my parents. The only constants in my life were work and my brother.

From behind me, I could hear Margo pick up the phone. She mumbled something and I caught the word “tiny” and smirked. So she was feeling just as cramped as I was. Good. At least I wasn’t alone in feeling like we were on top of each other.

She hung up and turned back to her work, studiously ignoring me like she had all day. Two could play that game. Besides, I’d barely gotten anything done today. I needed to refocus on this client who was threatening to not pay their bill. Somehow, Ann was going to blame me for the over billing from the juniors and I was not letting this mess up my partnership chances. Every little thing mattered at this stage of the game.

I dialed the client’s lawyer, deliberately putting him on speakerphone because I knew it would annoy Margo. He picked up on the first ring and I tried to sound casual.

“Hey, Sam. How’s it going?” We exchanged pleasantries, me faking interest in his preppy kids and their hockey season while I scrolled through my emails.

“So Ann mentioned to me that there were some questions on the bill for the last deal? Anything I can help with?” I kept it light, waiting for him to air his grievances.

He cleared his throat. “I was a little surprised over how high the total was. You guys came in way over estimate.”Asshole. He’d done a complete 180 on the docs halfway through and I’d stayed up for two days straight making sure he got his the updated drafts on time. I’d staffed a brand new first year who’d nearly had a mental breakdown over all the changes he’d wanted. But I didn’t say anything. Silence was frequently the best negotiation tactic and I could be very patient.

“But yeah, I guess there were more changes than we anticipated to the deal,” he added reluctantly. I pounced.

“That’s right. If you recall, the course shift on structuring after we’d already started the purchase agreement made significant additional work.” I paused for effect. “Let me see what I can do about the junior associate time though, I might be able to convince them to give a ten percent haircut.” Ten percent was what we gave basically anyone who asked, and most big clients by default, but he didn’t know that.

“That would be great. Thanks, Andrew. Always great working with you.”

We hung up and I smiled coldly. “Asshole” I muttered as I pulled up an email to let Ann know it was handled.

“You’re really good at that.” I turned to see Margo appraising me. Her dark eyes were steady but her expression was closed, like she was impressed despite herself.
