Page 29 of Partner Material

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“You named your cat after a cartoon character?”

“Don’t you think it suits him? He certainly has that wealthy old man look about him and I’m fairly certain he’s near sighted. He bumps into his food bowl a lot.”

Andrew laughed and made to scoot Magoo over a few feet. Magoo butted his head against Andrew’s hand and pushed his way onto his lap. I glared at Magoo from across the room. “Traitor” I mouthed.

Andrew was frozen, awkwardly petting Magoo’s head.

“You’re so not a cat person, are you? Rub his cheek and chin. That’s what he likes best,” I said.

“How could you tell? My parents weren’t big on pets unfortunately. They aren’t good for the furniture.” He scratched Magoo’s cheek and the little monster started purring.

“Really? That’s…depressing.” I thought back to what I had learned about the Markman household over the years. I knew Andrew’s dad was a hedge fund guy and his mom was now a housewife. They had a massive estate in Connecticut as well as an apartment in New York City and several other vacation destinations. Andrew had alluded to Aspen and St. Tropez a number of times. But I had also picked up on the fact that his family seemed…cold. He was always the last person in the office before a holiday weekend, well, along with me of course. Was it because he was avoiding them? I shook it off. Not my problem to deal with. Andrew was here to get warm and the get the hell out. I already gave my weeks to this man. I deserved to maintain my sanity on the weekends.

He didn’t seem inclined to elaborate so I busied myself pouring another glass of wine. “Wine? I know you’re not a big drinker. I think I have a beer or two in the fridge if you’d like.”

“Sure. Thanks. It’ll warm me up a little.” He grinned at me, full force. It was rare that I was the recipient of a full frontal Andrew Markman smile and my brain stuttered. He had a little dimple in his cheek that came out when he smiled and my eyes snagged on it. I glared at him and he smiled broader. “Stop it, Andrew.”

“Stop what?” He replied innocently.

“Stop doing the Markman megawatt special!” I yelled from the depths of the fridge, pulling out an old beer that must have been left over from the last time I had people over.

“So that’s what you call it?” He sounded way too smug.

I blushed. “No, everyone calls it that. You practically stunned a first year with it just last month.” I handed him his beer and sat down on the chaise, scrunching myself into the corner so I would be as far away as possible. I felt like a dragon had taken up residence in my apartment and I had to proceed very carefully or I would get burned.

“You seem to spend a lot of time thinking about my mouth. Anything you want to share with the class?” He smirked knowingly and I flushed. I had noticed his smile. A million times. Mostly when blinded by rage, but also because he smiled all the time. Just not usually at me. Andrew had a quick wit and easy humor behind all his intensity. And I’d noticed his mouth too. His bottom lip was perfectly too full, just pouty enough to seem like he was perpetually thinking, and framed by a strong jaw that usually had just a little bit of stubble. Enough to give the somewhat undone look he sported around the office, like a sexy English professor who was a little hungover that day.

“Sure, Andrew. I’ve noticed your mouth.” I let my fingers trail along the couch just inches from his leg.

His eyes darkened.

“Mostly because I’ve dreamed of wiping that insufferable smirk off your face,” I continued sweetly. He made a strangled noise and I laughed.

“Don’t lie. I’ve seen you looking. And not because you want to kill me, though I know you do.”

My stomach flipped.

He angled toward me and I met his deep green gaze. “Sometimes,” he murmured, “Sometimes I see you staring, when you think I won’t notice. You’re not as a subtle as you think you are. I’ve felt your eyes on me, like a physical touch. I’ve seen you peek at my mouth, even when we’re fighting.” My traitorous eyes dropped to his lips and flicked back up. His teeth sank into his full lower lip. “Hell, especially when we’re fighting.”

Heat flared through me at his words.

“Only with you would arguing feel like foreplay.”

I inhaled sharply at that, the wordforeplayzinging through me. “It does, doesn’t it?” I admitted softly and watched him freeze. His lids dropped and the sheer need on his face made my heart stutter.Oh no.I needed to stop this.

I sprang up from the couch and grabbed my phone. “Takeout? I was thinking of pizza again.” He stared at my somewhat manic expression but said “Sure, as long as it's not Hawaiian.”

“What do you think I am, some sort of sociopath?” I grumbled as I scrolled through the site of my favorite place in Little Italy.


I burst out laughing. “Takes one to know one, Markman.”

“Fair enough.” He smiled at me again, full force and I looked away before I could be caught staring at him. He was doing intentionally. He knew the megawatt smile made women's’ brains melt and he reveled in it.

“What would really make me a sociopath is forcing a poor delivery guy out in this weather. Fancy a walk? It’s about 15 minutes or so. I’ll even let you carry the pie home to keep you warm.”

“Gee, thanks. Yeah, let’s do it. I’ll have to get changed but I’ll meet you downstairs in 10 minutes.” He gingerly moved Magoo off his lap and onto his folded clothes, where the little monster began kneading his sweatshirt.
