Page 45 of Partner Material

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“Ok, but no checking your work email while you’re out with me. Can you handle that?” I knew she was obsessive about staying connected, even on weekend nights. It’s part of what made her such a good lawyer. Her clients got instant responses and she sacrificed herself for it.

She rolled her eyes. “Of course. I’m cool as a cucumber.”

I snorted. “Yeah, that’ll be the day.”

* * *

“This place is good!”Margo took a happy bite of the churros I had ordered. We were at a small tapas restaurant downtown. Music and laughter filled the small space and she sparkled. My heart thumped every time I looked at her. Her hair was up, tendrils of it falling from her high bun. She had on a tight black tank that showed just a flash of skin above the top of her leggings when she moved. I wanted to dip my tongue just there, but I controlled myself.

“I know. I used to come here with my brother. It’s legit.”

“Used to?” She cocked her head.

“He has a lot less time to go out with the new baby.” Her eyes softened at the mentioned of Liam.

“I bet he’s really stressed. It’s not easy being a working parent in the city. Do you get to see him much?”

“As much as I can, in between closings.” I gave her a rueful smile. She knew how hard it was to carve out personal time. “I love that baby though. He’s so chubby and animated.”

She sighed. “Must be nice. I would love to have a kid one day. It just feels like it will never be the right time.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, aside from the fact that I haven’t had a serious boyfriend since college?” She looked annoyed about it but something dark inside me thrilled.

“It’s impossible to make partner as a woman and have children. It’s hard for men too, but you just get “mommy-tracked” so quickly in biglaw. It feels like a tightrope. One mistake and I’ll fall.”

She looked so sad and resigned that I tugged her off her stool and between my legs. “I know you can do it.” I brushed a thumb over her cheekbone, feeling the hitch of her breath. “You’re going to figure it out and it will all be worth it. And with the right person by your side your burdens will be halved and your joys doubled.” Her eyes went soft at my words and my heart thumped. I could see her scanning my face and I kept my emotions tamped down.I could be that guy. Choose me.

“It feels insane to listen to your advice,” she murmured.

“Why?” I couldn’t help brushing back her hair. She looked at me with hope, but also mistrust.

“Because you’re my rival. And all of this is on borrowed time.” Her words were quiet and her eyes sad. She was right.Fuck.As much as I craved a way to be together, the most likely outcome was that one of us made partner and the other was devastated. I pushed the worry down.

“We better make the most of it then.” I twined my fingers through hers. “Want to dance?”

It turned out Margo was a pretty good dancer. Though not as good as I was, with the endless lessons my parents had made me take, in preparation for a debutante ball that would never happen. I spun her out, to the edge of the small dance floor in the back of the restaurant and back into my chest. She laughed with surprise, her eyes wide, her cheeks flushed. She was fucking gorgeous and I wanted to keep her all to myself.

A slower, sexier song followed the fast one and I turned her around, pulling her hips back against me, skimming my hands down her sides to make her shudder.

“God, Andrew.” I heard the words even over the music and leaned my head down until my lips met her ear. Her body moved against mine, my suit pants rasping over her soft leggings. I spanned her waist with my hand, finally touching that strip of bare skin.

“I know, I know.” I felt her tremor at my words.

We moved as one for a few minutes, me leading and her following. I reveled in the freedom I had to touch her, to dip my lips to her neck, to breathe in her scent and her reactions to me. I could do this forever. For a brief second, I closed my eyes, imagining she chose me, imagining this was just another night out. Later, we would go back to our apartment and I would slowly peel her clothes off her body. She would laugh and the love I had for her would be in my eyes. Just like it was now behind my closed lids. If she turned around, she would see it. See what I tried every single day to hide. It was getting harder and harder.Fuck. This was so bad. I was still in love with her and it was only going to make the inevitable end hurt more.



Everything was different now. Andrew and I were in sync like never before. It was just like the good old days.

“What do you think about the representation they’re giving on IP?”

His voice came from the other side of the office. It was Monday and we were skimming through the latest markup from opposing counsel. The pressure was on now to get drafts back faster and faster. Spencer was calling us constantly and getting more annoying with every call. But Andrew remained calm, even when it seemed like everything was going to hell. He never stopped analyzing, never stopped giving each point due consideration. His mind churned through the difficult drafting like lightning.

I flipped to the page he was indicating.
