Page 53 of Partner Material

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“I’m not doing anything. But if you want to talk about my six-pack some more, I’m game.” I winked and she started coughing on her water.

“Don’t die.”

“And pave the way for you?” She gasped out. “Not a chance in hell.”



“Ican’t believe we had sex in the office. I’ll never look at that conference table the same.” I’d been so caught up in the moment, but now I was a little mortified at the memory.

“Neither will I. And don’t forget we have a meeting in there tomorrow with Gerald.” Andrew rolled his lips to keep from laughing. We were seated on my couch, our legs tangled, Magoo on Andrew’s lap.

“Eww” I groaned. “I’m not going to be able to focus. Let’s make sure to bleach it.”

He started laughing at that. “I never thought I would see the day. You’re don’t strike me as a sex in the office kind of girl.”

“I’m not!” I protested. “That was my first time. I swear. I’m a little mortified though. I mean, I’ve always heard rumors about people sleeping together, since the hours are long and all that, but I’ve never been one to partake.”

He sipped his beer slowly and I watched his tan throat work.Damn, why is a throat so hot?

“I stupidly thought law firms were like TV, just everyone having sex to relieve the stress. Imagine my surprise. I’m not embarrassed though. Do you regret it? Would you take it all back?” He said it in a teasing tone but his eyes were serious.

“No way.” I responded vehemently and he looked relieved. “10 out of 10. Would do again.”

“When I said I’d wanted this for a long time, you agreed. Is that true?” His bright green eyes studied me. They didn’t look like poison to me anymore. No, they were the color of lucky shamrocks, of bright green grass, of new growth under the sun. A girl could drown in those eyes.

I blushed. “I was hoping you wouldn’t catch onto that. It’s true, though. I think under all my hating you there was desire, deep down. I mean, you know you’re like really insanely hot, right?” I waved my hand to indicate his body and he threw his head back and laughed.

“Stop laughing at me! You got me to admit I’ve been lusting after you in the back of my mind for eight years and you’re laughing at me. Not cool, Andrew!”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He said through his laughs. “It’s just, if you had any idea of the things I fantasized about doing to you over the years. I’d be fired. In fact, you’d probably never speak to me again.”

“Try me.”

Before he could respond, my phone rang. It was Emily. I frowned. That was weird. My hands shook a little as I answered.

“Don’t freak out.”

“Hi Em.” She was a worrier who preferred to start calls like that, but today I appreciated it.

“Mom fell and broke her leg. She’s fine but I thought you should know. She’s being all stoic about it but Dad is freaking out a little. She has to get surgery to put a some sort of pin into it. I’m on shift for another 10 hours, otherwise I would be there already.”

“I’ll go.” Anxiety made me jump off the couch, Andrew watching me with concern.

“Are you sure? Don’t you have work tomorrow?”

“It’s ok. I’ll cancel it or something. I’m sure Gerald will understand. I just need to get a car rental or a train and I’ll be there.” I squeezed my eyes shut as my heart raced. Emily was always the one who handled these situations. She was steady and sure. “Let me just figure it out and then I’ll text you from the road, ok?”

“Ok. But drive safe please. I don’t need you freaking out and wrapping your car around a tree.”

Andrew gave me a look that said he agreed.

I hung up and ground my hands against my eyes. “My mom broke her leg and my parents need help.”

“Ok, so they need you to go to Vermont?”

I gave a jerky nod. “I should go. My dad is going to be in the hospital all night with my mom and they could use the assistance.” I loosed a sigh. “I’m not good at this kind of thing. Emily is the fixer. I can barely get a handle on my own life. Do you ever feel like you’re always going one hundred miles an hour and if you pause, everything will fail, maybe forever?”
