Page 55 of Partner Material

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“Well, cut it out ok?” He sounded so pissed that I had to smile. “You’re doing your best and it’s a hell of a lot more than most of us are doing.”

“Are you defending me from me?” I smiled wider.

“Someone has to,” he grumbled.

* * *

I must have fallenasleep along the way because I woke up to us pulling into a parking lot. I frowned blearily at the time. It was midnight.

“Where are we? Are you finally going to murder me and dispose of my body?”

“Oh good, you’re awake. All the better to murder you, of course.” He winked and extricated himself from the low seat in a smooth motion that had my mouth going dry. When he opened my door, I nearly fell out onto the pavement, but he pulled me up and against him.

“It’s late. We can’t drive all night.” He cradled my jaw in his warm palm. “We’re going to stay here and finish driving in the morning.” I nodded in response.

“That’s my girl.” The first time he had said those words, I’d wanted to throw up. Now I wanted to press into him and not let go.

He dragged me into the lobby and out of the cold, seemingly not tired at all. I took in the 90s decor and the plastic tree in the corner. Andrew looked at me and raised an eyebrow, as if daring me to object.

I was no diva, but this was grim. The carpet was stained and I tried not to look too hard at it. Was that blood?

The clerk at the desk raised his head from what looked like a vampire romance novel.

“Can I help you?” His beige uniform matched the beige walls and beige desk. He was practically camouflaged.

“We were hoping you had two rooms for the night. My friend here just had a small car accident and we need somewhere to stay.”Two rooms.My chest ached.He’s just being respectful.

Doug (according to his name tag) checked the computer, tapping thoughtfully at the keys.

“Got one room for you. You’re lucky we have even that. We’re full up for the event.”

“Uh, you are?” Andrew sounded as surprised as I felt. Who would choose to stay here for an event?

“Yup. Big ham eating contest tonight in the next town over. Draws a lot of tourists. And lots of weirdo ham aficionados.” Doug gave us a knowing look.

What the hell was a ham aficionado?

“Sure, ok. We’ll take what you’ve got.” Andrew gave me wide eyes and I shrugged back at him. At least we were sharing a room so we wouldn’t get murdered in the night by a ham aficionado who hadn’t gotten enough to eat.

Doug handed us the key and we took the elevator up to the fourth floor. The hallway lights flickered ominously and I scurried towards our room across a vomit-colored carpet, Andrew keeping pace.

“Why do I feel like we shouldn’t look behind us?” He muttered.

I shivered. “Because we definitely shouldn’t. Now hurry up.” I slapped the key against the electronic lock and shoved open the door. I was greeted by the sight of peeling paint, beige linoleum and only one bed.



Ileaned against the cheap “wood” door as Margo laughed somewhat hysterically. She leaned against the wall across from me, bent over and trying to catch her breath.

“Check the deadbolt, Andrew! I don’t want my last night on earth to be in this shitty hotel.”

“Don’t worry. I already locked every lock I could find. Maybe I’ll wedge a chair under the door. If there even is a chair.” I glanced around the room, taking in the linoleum tiles that led to an unsavory beige carpet with random stains and a surprisingly pristine and large king-sized bed. No couch, no dresser, no chair, just a flatscreen on the wall and under it, a plastic ice bucket and the requisite hotel bible.

“This has been the craziest night ever.” He brows were drawn and it looked like she was beginning to take stock of what had happened. I had to snap her out of this before she spiraled.

“Hey now. Don’t worry about it. Let’s raid the supplies I got from the gas station and watch a dumb movie.”
