Page 66 of Partner Material

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“Matt, how are you surviving?” I knew Matt was really uncomfortable here. This was probably only the second time they had been here since adopting Liam six months ago.

Matt grimaced, his sharply handsome face crinkling. “I’ll probably start drinking at lunch.”

I wanted to laugh but I still simmered with anger. “A classic Markman family coping strategy.” I squatted down. “Liam, remember me?”

“It’s Uncle Andrew,” Schwartz reminded him. “You know, the one who got you the Hess truck for Christmas?” I looked up at Schwartz, who smiled. “He loves that thing. Great gift.”

Liam tried to push himself to stand on chubby legs, jacket flapping in the wind. I gave him a gentle hug. “Hey buddy. Good to see you. Want to play bocce? I can show you.”

Liam immediately plopped down and started sifting sand through his fingers.

“He’s more interested in getting dirty than playing with balls at this stage.” Schwartz remarked.

“Why not both?” Matt joked and Schwartz laughed. My heart squeezed at their ease, their closeness. I loved this little family. Schwartz poured all the love he had never gotten from our parents into Liam. He would grow up with all the support he could need. I wanted to be that person for someone else. One day. And it sure as hell wouldn’t be Margo.

“So, what made you stop by today? Spoiling for more with Dear Father?”

“I was on my way back from Vermont.” I said it casually but I knew Schwartz would latch on to my statement. “Just helping a colleague out.”

“Vermont?” His eyes were wide with surprise. “What kind of colleague? Margo?” The hope on his face was too much to bear.

“It’s done, Schwartz. She hates me again. Forget about it.” I squatted down again to focus on Liam. At least he wouldn’t ask me any awkward questions.

Matt shrugged. “Love and hate are pretty close together. Two sides of the same coin, they say.”

“And what would you know about that? You practically moved in after the 3rddate,” Schwartz teased. Matt blushed and grinned. They had lived a whirlwind romance after meeting on Broadway.

“Guilty. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I was really nervous when I asked Schwartz out.”

“No you weren’t, because I askedyouout.”

I let their good-natured bickering wash over me until we were summoned to the house for a late lunch.

Matt and Schwartz took the baby to get washed up and I made my way to the formal dining room, where my parents took all their meals. I hated that room and every step I took made my feel like I was walking to an execution.

My father was seated when I arrived, reading the paper, as he always did at midday. He didn’t need to spend that much time in the office anymore He ran his empire from his various properties. I waited for him to acknowledge me and then decided I didn’t care. I dropped into a chair and started buttering a piece of bread.


He looked up, eyes glinting over his paper. He had the eyes of a snake, flat and cold.

“Andrew. Why aren’t you at the office?” Always looking for something to criticize. Classic Don Markman.

“I had some things to take care of. Besides, you wanted me to quit.” I shrugged. “Maybe this will get me fired.”

He set the paper down with a slap on the teak table. “No son of mine is going to get fired. Especially not from shitty job that he’s too good for.”

“For the last time, I like my job.” I ground the words out and he scoffed.

“What is there to like? Taking orders from a bunch of people with more money than sense?” His tone was derisive and my jaw clenched.The same could be said of you. I shoved back from the table.

“Is it so bad to want to make my own way?” I burst out. “What’s wrong with that? You did it. If it’s good enough for you, it’s good enough for me. I don’t want to suckle at the family teat. I want to be my own man. Why is it so damn difficult for you to let me?”

My sides heaved after my outburst. What was the point? He’d never be swayed by my emotions, by my arguments. He was myopic and single minded.

“This was a mistake.” I grabbed the rest of my bread for the road and started for the door.

“Son. Sit.”
