Page 74 of Partner Material

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Istood outside of his apartment, heart hammering in my chest. This moment felt consequential, like I stood on the precipice of something that might ruin my life.It’s already ruined.

I knocked and not a minute later he was there, concerned and beautiful, becauseof course he was.

“Hey, everything ok?” The irony of that question given everything he had done to me was too much. I barked a laugh and his eyes went wide, but he stepped aside and let me in.

“You applied to Schriver and Harris? What the fuck, Andrew?” My voice was shrill. I was so angry I could barely see straight. “Haven’t you done enough? First you steal the promotion from me, and now what? You’re trying to make sure I can’t get a job anywhere? Do you so enjoy having me report to you that you’re planning to make it so I can never leave?” My breaths heaved and I felt tears running down my face. “Let me go, please.” The word came out broken.

“Never.” He replied. With one step he was wrapping me in his arms, his hand cradling my cheek. “I will never let you go.” I could see the tiny flecks of gold in his eyes and his slightly too full bottom lip that I always wanted to kiss and my heart squeezed.

“All of this has been for you.” His arms banded around me, as if he could keep me with him by force of will. I was silent, searching his face for answers. He let out a shuddering breath.

“What do you mean? Please, help me understand.” I sobbed out. “Because it feels like you broke my heart to get ahead.”

His thumb brushed away my tears. “Is it fucked up that I’m glad to know I have your heart enough to break it?”

I nodded through my tears and shoved at him. He let me go and I collapsed onto his couch.

He crouched before me. “Spencer threatened you.”

My mouth dropped open.

“He called me, drunk, to talk about the deal. Asshole.” Andrew’s voice was vicious. “He let it slip that he had looked you up on our website and he asked me to schedule client drinks so he could hit on you. He implied that he wouldn’t take no for an answer, at any point.” Andrew’s jaw clenched and my stomach twisted. “I lost my shit. I told him if he ever touched with you I would beat the shit out of him.” He grimaced. “And then he went and called Gerald and had you pulled off the deal. And Margo, I’m so so sorry for my part in this, but when he threatened you, I just saw red. And I don’t regret protecting you. I would do it all over again.”

I was too stunned to respond. Andrew’s hand landed on my knee. “Say something, please.” His eyes pleaded with me.

“But the meeting. Why didn’t you just tell Gerald the truth?”

He scoffed. “That old windbag would never have stood up for you. I was on a deal as a second year when a client harassed one of the senior associates. She reported it to Gerald and she was let go. I couldn’t put you in that position. So I tried to make the best of it.” He took a deep breath. “And that’s why I’m ready to leave. I applied to work with Melanie because I thought if I left they would have no choice to but to promote you. Especially since you’re utterly fucking brilliant and I know you’ll be able to save the deal. And because I lined my father up as a client for you if you need extra ammunition.” He brushed a thumb against my face and I let out a shaky sob. It was too good to be true.

“But you hate your father,” I said in a small voice.

He shrugged, looking sheepish. “I wanted to make this bulletproof for you.” At that I buried my face in my hands. How wrong I had been.

“Margo. Look at me.” I raised my head to see him concerned, soft, perfect. “I have been in love with you for seven years,” he said with a small smile. “I know I told you I stopped, but it was a lie. Or maybe I didn’t realize it myself until recently. I’ve wanted to make you mine every day for seven years and every day I have failed. But this month I realized that what I felt for you in the past pales in comparison to how I feel for you now. And now, I would doanythingto protect you.” His voice was low and rough, his hand against my jaw warm. Joy soared through me. My heart thudded. Was this really possible? My happiness was quickly washed away by guilt.

“I’m sorry for doubting you,” I said through my tears. “I had no idea. I’ve assumed the worst of you time and time again and you keep coming back to me.” I wanted to say more but my voice was too shaky, my whole body shuddering.

“Don’t be silly.” Andrew smiled at me and pulled me up off the couch and against him.

“I’m not silly,” I mumbled into his chest. The smell, the warm weight of him felt like coming home.

“I’ve loved you every day since I moved into the office with you.” His voice rumbled through me. “I’ve never wanted anything more in my entire life. Not even making partner. I would give it all up if it meant you could pursue your dreams.”

“I don’t deserve you.”

He reared back and captured my face in his hand. “Don’t ever say that,” he said fiercely. “I will spend every day proving to you just how much you deserve this.”

“I love you too, Andrew.” I smiled up at him through my tears and his eyes went soft. He pulled me back against his chest and I went willingly, melting into him. I tipped my head back and he seemed to know exactly what I needed, because he sealed his lips over mine and I thrilled at the taste of him. Delicious and everything I wanted. He made a low noise in his throat and pulled me tighter against him.

We shed our clothes urgently, desperately. Nothing but the feel of his skin against mine could satisfy me. He slipped his fingers under my damp thong and his hungry kiss told me how much he loved it. I arched against him and felt the hard press of his erection against my belly.

“I fucking love how wet you are for me.” He pulled my nipple into his mouth, groaning around it as I reached between us to grab his length. My hands slid over the hot silk of him and his hips bucked, once, twice, before he lifted me up against the wall. “I can’t wait.” He rasped out.

“Then get inside me.” I let my head fall back against the wall, lust pooling like honey in my gut. He positioned himself at my entrance and pushed inside. Small noises fell from my lips and he drank them in. He pressed his forehead to mine and we moved as one, sliding against the door. He bucked up into me and I moaned. My orgasm built, heavy and pounding between my legs. I came, crying out, and he followed, his harsh breaths puffing against my face. For the first time, I let my eyes close, knowing he would be there when they opened.


