Page 76 of Partner Material

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“Sometimes I sing in the shower, and sometimes I play games with Magoo. He can be surprisingly loud when he lands on the floor.”

“Mmhmm. Sure, sure.” His eyes danced with amusement and I punched him lightly on the shoulder.

“This is the most fun I’ve ever had on a Wednesday morning.” He settled me against him as he spoke, until I felt his hard thigh pressing against my mine and the spicy scent of his cologne filled my nose. “What do you think? Could you get used to this?”

I laid my head on his shoulder. “I totally could. Now if only we weren’t going to the office.”

“Mmm. I know. I could think of much better ways to spend our time.”

“Maybe I’ll see you at the office later tonight?”

He groaned and a heady rush went through me. I could see him getting hard through the fine wool of his slacks. “I’m going to be thinking about you all day. I have so many meetings, Margo. I can’t be hard for all of them.”

“I regret to inform you that you share an office with me and you can’t escape.” I teased.

“I don’t regret any of the time I’ve spent with you. Not one single moment.”

“Even when we were enemies?” I poked him in the leg and he grabbed my hand.

“Even then. God, the way you used to bark at me around the office. I was hard all the time.” He let his head fall back against the seat and closed his eyes. “And there’s this one dress you wear to client meetings that drives me absolutely insane.”

“The light blue one? I thought you hated that dress. You always looked so angry on the days I wore it.” I remembered his jaw clenching during client meetings.

He huffed a laugh and I admired the sweep of his lashes and his full lips. “Angry is not what I was feeling.”

I sat back. “Wow. Wait, what about the leggings?”

He opened his eyes and they were hazy with desire. “I fucking love those,” he muttered.

“This is going to be fun.”

He groaned and I laughed.



Margo and I sat next to each other in the conference room, a seat I had specifically chosen so I could mess with her. We were about to get on the line with the team at Schriver and Harris and the tension was palpable.

“Andrew, are you ready to handle this?” Gerald asked.

“Margo can lead.” My voice came out indifferent, when in reality I burned with pride that this beautiful, brilliant woman was by my side.

Gerald startled at that, knowing I never missed an opportunity to put my best foot forward and control the deal. But that was before. My priorities had shifted, until Margo was at the top of the list. It felt good. It felt right, to care about something bigger than myself. He frowned, looking like he wanted to argue, but we were about to be on the line with opposing counsel and there was nothing he could do.

Gerald exchanged pleasantries with Melanie when she got on the line. I squeezed Margo’s thigh and she flashed me a grateful smile. Tension was visible in every line of her body. I so badly wanted this to work. But if it didn’t, I would protect her.

When Gerald turned the call over to her she started small. A question about the timeline, casual, unconcerned.Good job, sweetheart. Reel them in.

“Melanie, we’ve been hearing some unsettling rumors from our client about cold feet.”

The tension on the line was thick. Margo paused, giving Melanie a chance to jump in. Silence was often the best negotiating tactic and Margo was an expert at waiting for others to fill it. Her face was tight, cold, betraying none of the nerves I knew she felt.

“Well, yes. There’s been discussion of pulling out from the deal,” Melanie hedged.

“Even with the binding commitment your client signed? I’m a bit surprised.” Margo let the words drop and there was silence on the line.

Gerald started. He’d had no idea. My heart swelled with pride for Margo and her brilliance. There was no way the seller would back out now.
