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She lifted one shoulder in a sexy, sweet shrug. “Stop talking and kiss me, or I’ll rethink the next ten minutes.”

He laughed. “Oh, sweet summers, you have no idea whose arms you’re in.”

He kissed her deeply, determined to show her just how glorious taking their time could be. He slid his tongue over her teeth, explored the roof of her mouth, and then deepened the kiss again. They kissed slowly and sweetly, then fast and rough, until her body was flushed and hot and her breathing ragged.

And then he kissed her some more. He kissed her until her frantically searching hands relented to his pace, to his demand for a more intense possession. When her hands slowed and her fingers trailed along his biceps, only then did he move away from her mouth. He kissed his way down her neck, which he’d already developed an obsession for, especially the right side just above her shoulder. That spot sent her entire body aflame. He loved that spot. He laced his fingers with hers, pinning them to the mattress as he lowered his mouth to her breast, circling the rosy bud with his tongue. She arched up, making sexy, needy noises, her eyes closed. When he sealed his mouth over her nipple and sucked it to the roof of his mouth, she moaned, long and low.

“Ah, my summer girl likes that.”

“Yes. God, yes.” She opened her eyes, and when he flicked his tongue over her other nipple, they closed again.

She was hiding behind those fluttering lids and long lashes, and as badly as he wanted to seeallof her emotions, he knew with Tiffany he needed to choose his battles carefully. As he loved her breasts with his mouth, her fingers tightened around his, telling him with each squeeze what she liked and what she wanted more of. He hated to let that communication go, but he was dying to touch her. Slipping one hand from hers, he filled his palm with her other breast, sucking one nipple and squeezing the other. Her hips rocked off the mattress, and her back followed. Her nails dug into his hand. Oh yeah, he’d found another sweet spot. Hot tides of passion rolled through him as he discovered several more—the tender spot above her right hip, the sensitive skin just below her belly button, and his personal favorite, her inner thighs. Both of which he was currently devouring.

She squirmed and panted, her knees falling open wider as he licked and teased his way north. He spread his hands on her thighs, holding them open. Her scent was intoxicating, and the sight of Little Miss Control fisting her hand in the sheets, her muscles straining with the effort, made him ache to be buried deep inside her. But he continued his torturously slow devouring, loving every second of it, especially her moans of appreciation and pleading whispers.

“More. Pleeease. Dylan!”

When he reached the apex of her thighs, he slicked his tongue along her glistening sex. She tasted sweet and hot and too good to hold back.

“Dylan,” she begged as his mouth came down over her sex, and he took his fill.

He pushed his hands beneath her ass, angling her up so he could take more and fuck her deeper with his tongue. She grabbed his hair, holding him there—as if he would want to be anywhere else? Was she crazy? Her thighs pressed against his head as he fucked and sucked and grazed his teeth over her most sensitive nerves, earning one lusty, needful moan after another. Bringing his fingers into play, he took her swiftly to the place she craved and was rewarded with his name sailing from her lips like a prayer.

“Dylan—” She panted. “Don’tstopdon’tstopdont’stop.”

He devoured her through the last pulse of her orgasm, and when her hands fell limply to the mattress, he sheathed his cock and came down over her.

TIFFANY BLINKED UP at Dylan, trying to wade through her lust-addled brain, her body still quaking from the intensity of her orgasm. He had a gratified smile on his lips. When he leaned down and kissed her, the scent and taste of sex mingled with the scent and taste ofhim.

“Eight,” she said breathlessly, working hard to fight the laugh vying for release. She nevergradedmen. She barely gave them enough time to get in and get the job done. But something about Dylan had felt different from the moment they’d met. She needed the upper hand even more than usual with him, and she had a feeling that might be the only way to get it.

“Eight,” he said flatly. His brows knitted, but his devilish grin told her he was up for the challenge.

She sighed, as if she were bored, and shrugged, hoping to mask how badly she wanted to push him onto his back andmounthim. He maneuvered his hips so the broad head of his cock rested against her entrance, and mountinghimwent out the window. She wanted this big, beautiful man to do the taking.

“I would think moving the phone to the living room was worth at least two points.”

At least.

She didn’t respond as he gathered her against him and kissed her with unexpected heartrending tenderness. Just as she had earlier, she melted against him, allowing his kiss to fill all the empty spaces sheusually,effortlesslyignored. She never let herself enjoy a man like this, but she told herself it was only one night. Surely she deserved one night of pure, unrestrained passion. One incredible night of being treated to the best sex of her life by a man whose sexual magnetism was inescapable. A man who didn’t fly off the handle or bitch and complain when she handled work emails. A man who knew how to be a man.

He took the kiss deeper, pushing his thick cock into her one delicious inch at a time, filling and stretching her so completely, she felt the entire length of him stroking over her most sensitive spots. When he was buried to the hilt, he drew back from the kiss, his gaze as soft as a caress as it roved over her face. Her heart beat wildly, and the look in his eyes was so intense and compassionate—so real—it made her feel vulnerable in a way being naked never had.

“Hey there,” he said softly.

The gentleness of his voice combined with the feel of him buried deep inside her unleashed a mass of butterflies in her stomach. He was unraveling her one word, one glance, one second at a time.

“Hi,” she said breathlessly.

As they began to move, he continued looking at her with warmth and longing that made her feel even more exposed. She curled her hand around his neck, pulling him into a kiss, trying to escape her own emotions.

He drew back, thrusting faster, taking her harder, and it felt so incredible she closed her eyes.

“Open your eyes,” he coaxed.

She did, though reluctantly. She felt safer behind closed lids. He couldn’t see how his intensity affected her or how he was stroking her into a needy girl who wanted to beg for more, and worse, to tell him just how incredible he felt.

“I want to see it in your eyes when I hit ten.” There was that maddening hint of arrogance that should turn her off but had the complete opposite effect.
