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He lifted her hand from his lap and kissed the back of it. That earned him a slightly uncomfortable smile, which was more telling than her aggressive sensuality. He had a feeling hissummer girlwas far more complex than he’d originally thought, and that made her even more intriguing.

Her phone sounded with a shrill ringtone and her face blanched. She grabbed it from her lap and answered with frantic urgency. “Hello?”

A deep voice rumbled through the phone loud enough for Dylan to hear. “Where are you?”

Dylan cringed inwardly at the tone that sounded suspiciously like a jealous boyfriend. Mick hadn’t said anything about her seeing anyone. He’d have to remember to give his eldest brother hell when he returned from his honeymoon.

“In a cab,” she said hastily. “Going home.”

Dylan liked no-strings-attached sex as much as the next guy, but he prided himself on not touching another man’s woman. He had too much self-respect to be a cheating son of a bitch, and he had too much respect for relationships in general to be someone’s excuse to ruin one. Hell, arealrelationship was high on his list of priorities, but he had yet to find the right woman to share his life with.

Gritting his teeth, he moved over, putting space between them, and took a quick glance at her left hand. No ring. No tan lines. At least he hadn’t missed any obvious signs. Ignoring her curious expression, he stared out the window, wondering if he’d made the biggest mistake of his life.

Chapter Two

WITH THE PHONE still pressed to her ear, Tiffany instructed the cabdriver, “New York–Presbyterian Hospital, please. As fast as you can.” She looked around as they sped down the road, trying to get a handle on where they were. “I’ll be there in less than ten minutes,” she said into the phone. God, where was her head? She’d just been finger-fucked in the back of a cab. That was sonother. She never let a guy take control like that. Her long work hours must be catching up to her. She really needed to find a better way to relieve stress.

She tried to concentrate on what her eldest brother, Rocco, was saying, but blood was rushing through her ears, and when Dylan turned toward her with a compassionate expression, her heart stumbled. She wasn’t losing her mind after all. There wasn’t a woman alive who could resist that chiseled, handsome face, those eyes that promised mind-numbing orgasms, and in a single blink turned heartwarmingly compassionate, or a mouth that should come with a warning label that read,PANTY BURNER AHEAD. The man had superpowers, and she needed full-body armor to resist him. She was in the midst of transitioning her sports agency from L.A. to New York, while dealing with an ailing father. She had zero time for distractions. She could not afford for her hormones to suddenly go all girly on her.

She held up a finger in answer to his curious expression, catching about every other thing her brother said.

Her father had been diagnosed with kidney disease a few months ago, caused by his high blood pressure, which was why she’d decided it was time to move back to New York, where she was from and where her father still resided. His symptoms were well controlled with medication, but apparently he’d been rushed to the hospital about an hour ago in tremendous pain.

“He’s undergoing tests.” Rocco went on to explain that he’d spoken to the doctor and would fill her in when she arrived. “I’ll wait for you in the emergency room lobby.”

She ended the call as they pulled up in front of the hospital, and threw open the cab door. “Sorry! Rain check,” she called over her shoulder as she ran inside. She spotted Rocco pacing, his head hanging between his shoulders, one large hand rubbing the back of his neck. He was completely oblivious to half the females in the place watching him.

“How is he?” she asked.

He lifted dark, brooding eyes that looked so much like her father’s it always gave her pause. “Not sure yet, but hopefully we’ll know soon.”

He ran his eyes over her, and she smoothed her blouse and skirt, hoping she didn’t look guilty of making out in the back of a frigging cab.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

No. My heart is racing. I just did something I will never do again, and I’m not sure why I did it. Her brother didn’t need to know any of that.

Usually a master at hiding her emotions, she hoped her inner ice queen wouldn’t fail her now. “Yes, of course.”

He looked past her, his brows slanted in confusion as a heavy but gentle hand landed on her shoulder.

She spun around, surprised to see Dylan.

In the bright hospital lights Dylan looked even taller and broader, his five-o’clock shadow more prominent over his sharp, masculine features. But it was his warm bedroom eyes that had her stomach doing dips and flips, making her feel out of control once again. Her eyes darted to Rocco, whose curious gaze moved between the two of them. At twenty-nine she could count the number of times her brothers had met men she’d gone out with. Exactlyzerosince college.

“Rocco, this is—”

“Dylan, my man.” Rocco pulled him into a manly embrace and swatted him on the back.

Oh shit. Seriously?She’d lost control with herbrother’sfriend? This had to be the worst night ever. So much for hooking up with the incredible kisser with the talented fingers. This had to end.Now.

“Hey, Winters. Good to see you.” Dylan looked at Tiffany and his smile faded fast. “Wait, you’remarried?”

“What?” she said at the same time her brother said, “Dude!”

“No, we’re not married. He’s my brother,” she explained.

Relief swept over Dylan’s face. “Christ, for a minute there I thought…”
