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He shoved his hand in his pocket and pulled out her phone. “Your vibrator.”

“My…?” Her eyes followed his to her phone. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve never met a man who could make me forget my phone.” She took the phone and scrolled through her messages. “You’re kind of terrifying.”

He laughed and put his hand firmly on the back of her neck, pulling her closer so he could kiss her again. “Why don’t you have an answering service?” he asked between mind-scrambling kisses.

She tried to focus on the response she was typing so she could finish it quickly and give him her attention. “I had one, and it caused twice as many calls. The service would call and then I’d have to call my clients.”

“And what happens if you don’t respond in, say, a few hours?”

Her fingers flew over the screen as she handled one message after another. “Um. I don’t know. But my clients pretty much expect me to be at their beck and call. A big part of my job is babysitting. You know, easing concerns, handling questions about media relations, placating…”

“Not really,” he mumbled. “So you never take a true vacation and disconnect?”

She shook her head.

“Do you ever want to?”

She lifted her eyes and lowered her phone, feeling guilty and also a bit forlorn, because she was doing what she’d told him she wouldn’t. And because he’d struck a nerve. Admitting to what he’d asked meant bringing down her walls even further, and that took as much effort as keeping them up.Maybe more. But she wanted to be honest with Dylan more than she wanted to keep hiding from the truth.

“I never did,” she admitted. “But I want to now. With you. Tonight.”

He smiled and shook his head. “Summers, what am I going to do with you?”

“Tell me I’m a workaholic and that you can’t handle it?” Her chest constricted with the thought.

“Not a chance,” he said without a moment’s hesitation.

The pressure in her chest eased. She hadn’t realized how much she wanted this, how much losing Dylan would hurt, until she’d allowed herself that moment to peek beyond her walls. And what she’d seen on the other side had been nagging at her ever since.

“But what do you think about that baby step idea? How about we turn your phone off until after the first part of our date? Then we’ll take a break and you can take care of your work, and after that we’ll move on to the second part of our date.”

“You really are ridiculously accommodating. You know what? I am turning this off.” She powered down her phone. “I’m going to wrap myself around you on that crazy machine and do exactly what you suggested.”

“You sure?” His brows lifted with surprise.

“Yes. Definitely.” She held her phone out to him, then pulled it back. “Do they serve drinks where we’re going? I might need one. Or five.”

He laughed and pulled her into a hug. “No drinks, but I promise you’ll be too sidetracked to think about your phone.”

She handed over the phone, feeling like she was giving him her left arm. “You said no sex, but you told me to wear clothes I could get sweaty in. That leaves way too many possibilities for my active imagination. Whereareyou taking me?”

As he helped her put on the helmet, he said, “Someplace I’ve never taken another woman.” He patted the seat. “Climb on, Summers. You’re about to see how fun life can be.”

THE COOL EVENING air moved over Dylan’s skin as they drove out of the city. He’d always loved the sense of freedom riding his motorcycle brought. He felt closer to nature, and tonight he felt closer to Tiffany, too. He loved the feel of her wrapped around him, trusting him enough to keep her safe. Her inner thighs pressed against his hips, her breasts against his back, and her arms wrapped tightly around him. At first she’d clung so tight she’d pinched skin beneath her fingers, but the longer they rode, the more comfortable she became. They drove through the tunnel crossing the East River, and by the time they reached his friend’s warehouse, her hands were splayed over his abs, not fisted in fear.

He parked behind the building and helped Tiffany take off her helmet and climb off the bike. Her eyes danced with excitement, but it was her wide smile that brightened all her gorgeous features.

“That was awesome!” She threw her arms around his neck, so uninhibited it made him laugh.

“You liked the ride?”

“Are you kidding?” She ran her hand over the leather seat. “Plastered against you with the vibrations and the cold wind whipping through my clothes? It was exhilarating. I thought I’d hate it, because let’s face it. There’snocontrol on the back of the bike. If you crashed, well, we all know what would happen.” She was talking as fast as she had last night, but while then she’d been upset, tonight she was humming with excitement.

“I want to ride it every night. I had all this stress in my head before we climbed on. And if I’m being honest, for the first part of the ride I was petrified. But then it was like I couldn’t hold on to the stress, or my fear of being on the back of it. I was mesmerized by everything. Things I never noticed while I was in cabs. Like how pretty the inside of the tunnel is. The lights reflect from aboveandbelow. I never noticed that before. I just…rode, checking my phone, or talking on it, or reading contracts. I was completely oblivious to everything around me. And the air? Oh my gosh, Dylan. The air inside the tunnel feels like it’s electrified, but you don’t feel that when you’re in a car. You don’t really feel anything butannoyedat traffic.” She ran her fingers through her hair, sending golden strands floating along her shoulders. She looked like she’d just discoveredlifefor the first time.

Dylan filled with happiness, and he wanted to see that awestruck, sexy look every single day. He laced his fingers with hers and hoped he’d find ways to do just that. “I’ll add ‘nightly bike ride’ to our to-do list.”

She smiled and shook her head. “See? You’re too accommodating. We both have to work. We can’t do that.”
