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At that remark, her possessive urges plowed forward, and she found her confidence. “Trust me when I tell you there is nothingsoftabout Dylan.”

Amanda and Mick laughed, and Carson gave her an approving nod.

“Damn, woman,” Brett said. “You’ll fit right in with the Bad boys’ inner circle.”

“That’s my girl.” Dylan kissed her as Carson greeted her.

“It’s nice to meet the woman who’s making our brother so happy.” Carson was clearly the most reserved of the bunch, but when he hugged her, his strength was evident.

“Thank you. It’s nice to meet you, too, and I’m sorry to have crashed your poker game the other night.” She might as well fess up to it and own the debacle instead of being embarrassed by it.

“No worries,” Carson assured her.

They sat down and made small talk. The waitress took their drink orders, and Tiffany’s nerves settled down. Dylan and Carson talked about getting together to go running Sunday morning, and Mick and Amanda told everyone about their honeymoon at a luxurious resort in the Virgin Islands, which sounded lovely. Dylan’s brothers were all very different, and it was interesting to see Dylan interacting with them. He watched and listened and seemed to know exactly how to handle each of them. By the time the waitress brought their drinks and took their dinner orders, Tiffany was back to her old self. Only better. Thinking about her and Dylan’s earlier confessions of their feelings made her warm all over. Her fears would probably always be there, like an underlying hum beneath a very thick layer of happiness. As annoying as that was, it was a small price to pay for the incredible feelings she experienced with Dylan.

“Sorry about the awkward hug,” Amanda said quietly.

“It’s okay. I have no idea how we’re supposed to greet each other, but I’m good with hugging.”

“And as far as their poker games go, me and my sister, Ally, who’s married to Heath Wild—”

“The physician?”

Amanda nodded. “How many Heath Wilds can there be?”

“He’s taken care of a number of my clients. I didn’t realize he got married.”

“We had a double wedding.” Amanda leaned closer and lowered her voice. “It was so amazing I’m still not over it. Anyway, Ally and I, and Heath’s brothers’ wives, Laney and Cici, get together and have girls’ nights when the guys are busy. You should join us next time.”

Feeling guilty, she said, “I’m sorry for crashing your wedding. I had no idea when I barged into the Kiss that there was a wedding going on.” She glanced at Dylan, who gave her an I-can’t-wait-to-fuck-you look, and her pulse quickened. Turning her attention to Amanda before she got embarrassingly flustered, she lowered her voice and said, “But I’mreallyglad I did.”

Amanda laughed.

“I haven’t had a real girls’ night since college.” Tiffany realized that she hadn’t had girlfriends since college either. She had colleagues, and she and Miranda were pretty close, but not nearly as close as true girlfriends were. She’d lost faith in so many things after catching her ex and her best friend together, she’d closed herself off even further than she’d realized. Maybe it was time to rectify that.

“I figured as much. Mick said you were all work and no play, but we’ll break you of that habit.” Amanda looked over Tiffany’s shoulder. “If Dylan hasn’t already.”

“You know him pretty well, huh? He’s definitely bringing me over to the dark side.”

Dylan tugged her against him. “You haven’t begun to experience thedarkside yet, Summers.”

She rolled her eyes, and Amanda laughed. It felt good to be out with a group of new friends instead of at meetings. She put her hand on Dylan’s thigh and he laced their fingers together.

“You said the Wilds and their wives, but Logan’s not married,” Dylan said to Amanda.

“Oh, he is now,” Amanda said. “He and Stormy eloped two days ago. They’re on their honeymoon in the Caribbean.”

That started a bevy of cheers. As the men caught up on all thingsWild, Tiffany turned her attention back to Amanda.

“How did you and Mick end up together?”

Mick must have heard the question because he glanced over and put his arm possessively around Amanda’s shoulder. “It happened at a masquerade bar crawl. Amanda took off my mask, and the rest is history.” He leaned down and kissed her. “I’ve never been happier. How about you? I have to admit, I never would have imagined you and Dylan together.”

Her answer came easily. “Dylan helped me take off my mask, too.” He’d opened her eyes to so many things she’d never imagined enjoying, like their almost nightly motorcycle rides. Sometimes they only went out for a twenty-minute ride, but it was twenty minutes she now scheduled into her day because she loved the time with Dylan, and the ride itself.

“You two met for the first time the night of our wedding, right?” Amanda asked.

“Yes,” she answered. “It was an unforgettable evening for all of us.”
