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Her phone vibrated, and Dylan stuck his fingers into the little fabric pouch she’d sewn into the waist of her skirt and lifted it out. “That’s the tenth time that thing has gone off in as many minutes. Are you sure you don’t have to be at the press conference?”

“I’m positive. Miranda’s just keeping me apprised of who’s there.” She skimmed the text as the other girls joined them. “Rocco’s there. Oh my God, he’s hitting on Miranda!” She thumbed out a quick text.If you two hook up I DON’T want details.

“Good for him,” Dylan said, and she gave him a deadpan look. “What’s wrong with them hooking up?”

“Rocco’s hot,” Ally said. She was tall and thin, less curvy than Amanda but every bit as beautiful. Amanda gave her an appalled look and Ally added, “Not hotter than Heath. God, Mandy, stop looking at me like that. No one is hotter than my man.”

“Excuse me?” Tiffany put her arm around Dylan. “I’ll argue that point to the death.”

They all laughed.

“If Miranda and Rocco go out and he breaks her heart, she’sstillmy employee.” Tiffany tucked her phone back into her pouch.

“Worry about that if and when it happens,” Amanda said. “People are arriving and we came to get you for one last bathroom stop.” Amanda looped her arm into Tiffany’s and pulled her away from Dylan. “I promise we’ll bring her back.”

Dylan blew Tiffany a kiss.

“Next time remind me to suggest an Eskimo theme,” Tiffany said to the girls as they ducked into the bathroom.

“Oh, come on. This is so fun!” Ally strutted in front of the mirror and twirled. “Heath and I are going to play snake in the grass later.”

“Ally!” Amanda laughed.

“Dylan just made a comment aboutmowingmy grass.” Tiffany looked in the mirror at the three of them. “We look cute, right? Or do I look as ridiculous as I feel?”

“You only feel ridiculous because you’re used to being in your professional attire. Mandy’s the same way, even though she isn’t as much so lately.”

“She’s right.” Amanda blushed. “I used to be pretty straitlaced, but that all changed withmyman.”

Tiffany’s phone sounded with the shrill ring that made her blood run cold.

“That’s an awful ringtone,” Ally said as Rocco’s picture flashed on the screen.

“Family. My dad’s health is still a little iffy.” She held the phone up to her ear.

Before she could say hello, Rocco said, “Tiff? Get your ass down here.”

“What?” Panic rose inside her. “I’m at the fundraiser.”

“Ramsey just canned Miles. He’s announcing it at the press conference.Get. Down. Here. There are agents swarming this place—”

His voice turned to white noise as she looked at herself in the mirror, and the color drained from her face. “Are you fucking kidding me? I’m wearingcoconuts.”

“What’s wrong?” Amanda whispered.

Tiffany held up a finger to Amanda, listening to Rocco explain that Miles pushed Ramsey too hard and he was done. “Can’t you just—”

“You know how this works, sis,” he interrupted. “I can’tjustanything. The minute he announces and steps away from the podium he’ll be besieged with offers from agents. Youhaveto be in there.”

“I’m seriously wearing coconuts, Rocco. I’ll look like a fool.”

“A fool with the best contract around,” he reminded her. “You’ve only talked about wanting to sign him since you got into the business. Now’s your chance, but hey, it’s your call.”

“Okay. You’re right.” She ended the call and cursed under her breath. Her heart was breaking and her mind was soaring, which made her feel like a train wreck as she turned to the girls for advice. “The biggest deal of my career is on the line. I have to get to the press conference, but how can I leave Dylan? What am I going to do? If I can get a meeting, I know I can seal the deal. If I don’t go, there’s no way in hell he’ll wait to talk to me, not when every shark and their brother is breathing down his back. But tonight is going to be hard for Dylan, and my not being here will make it even harder.”

She looked in the mirror and lifted her chin, telling herself to pull her shit together and get to that press conference, but her heart silenced that demand with a single word.Dylan.

Her shoulders dropped. Could this really be happening? In what universe was this a fair decision to have to make? Who had she pissed off to deserve this? “I’m fucking wearingcoconuts. And this is Dylan’s big night. And—” She wasn’t even looking for new clients, but Ramsey “Razor” Sharpe? He was the biggest of the big. She could get him lucrative deals that would allow him to spend time with his family, and she would be the It Girl in sports agenting, even bigger than she already was.
