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She clung to his biceps. “I need more of you,” she pleaded.

He swept her off the counter, never breaking their connection, and laid her on the floor. Her body slid in the sticky batter as he pounded into her. He lifted her legs at the knees, and every stroke of his cock sent her spiraling deeper into oblivion.

“So good, baby. Come with me,” he commanded.

She grabbed his head and crashed their mouths together, disappearing into the feel of him filling her, his mouth consuming her, and all his hard muscles enveloping her. He pushed his arms beneath her, gathering her body so tight against him, they felt like one being.

“I love you, Summers.”

She was too lost to respond, and the next thrust sent her into the throes of ecstasy. “Dylan!” she cried as he succumbed to his own intense release.

“Love you,” he grunted out as he filled her with his love. Every pump of his hips brought more sweet confessions. “Want more of you…Always…Forever…”

Sticky with batter, covered in flour, and still floating on a cloud as Dylan collapsed against her, Tiffany kissed his cheek. Reveling in the feel of his strong body pressing down on her, she couldn’t help but tease him. “You don’t listen very well. I told you not to come.”

He rose onto his palms and set a piercing stare on her, making her insides melt anew. “Wanna go for seconds?” His eyes slid over her shoulder, and his brows knitted tight. “What’s that?” He reached forward and held a batter-covered key in his hands. Her surprise.

“I’m ready,” she said softly.

“Hold on, babe. We’ll get to seconds in a minute. What’s this?” He turned the key in his fingertips.

She giggled. “Not for seconds, although,yes,please.” She touched his cheek, drawing his eyes to hers. “I’m ready to give up my apartment and move in. If you still want me to.”

He looked at the key, then at her, like he was putting together a puzzle. “You’re ready?” His eyes widened and shot to the key, then returned to her glistening with elation. “This is your key to your apartment?”

She nodded, smiling so wide her cheeks hurt. “If you still want me to. I don’t mean to be presump—”

He silenced her with a long, hungry kiss, and when their mouths drew apart he was grinning, too.

“Mark my words, gorgeous. One day youwillmarry me.”

She gazed into the eyes of the man who had changed her world, the man she wanted to wake up next to every morning and fall asleep cuddling with—yes, cuddling—every night, and she knew better than to doubt a word he said.

Are you ready for Carson Bad?

Indulge your inner vixen with this sexy billionaire!

Meet Carson Bad, the most mysterious of the Bad brothers. He’s fiercely loyal, sinfully sexy, and about to have his world turned upside down by his leading lady.
