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She still chafed at finding her father making himself comfortable in her living room when she returned to change for this outing. There he sat, content in XXL striped PJs and frayed slippers, while enjoying a beer, chips, and Fox News. The moment he lights up a cigarette, he’s gone, she promised herself. No way would she put up with him polluting her airspace with his cancerous poison.

He won’t, Dominique countered and showed her why in his memories: Gil Chandler was an unwitting participant in a new quit-smoking-by-compulsion program.

She leaned her helmeted head against his back. How could you let him stay? There was no rancor in the question now, and he wrapped her in a comforting mental embrace.

Parce que je t’aime, Cassie amour.

She sighed. I love you, too.

The night flowed past them for several minutes before she heard his focused thought again. Are you still certain about this?

Yes. No hesitation. She was certain about her intentions and certain about her safety, too. There’s another human there, this Monica Sol girl. Obviously, the vampires we’re meeting have enough restraint not to kill every human on sight. I think they’ll listen to reason.

To this logic, Dominique had no comment.

Through the visor, she eyed the scabbards crossing his back. I’m not sure that bringing these was a good idea.

Being prepared is always a good idea.

She couldn’t argue with that. She had made some preparations of her own, after all. Nothing I plan to use, she told him when she sensed his inquiry. It’ll all work out, you’ll see. As long as we’re together, we’ll be all right.

Her confidence wavered once they crossed the Intracoastal Waterway into Palm Beach, and he withdrew from their link. Bijou is close, was the last thing she heard before the connection drained to a low hum.

Cassidy tightened her arms around him. Maybe they should have waited until the vamp bitch’s serum had left his system, when he would have been less susceptible to her will. Coming back here so soon, bringing a human with him, was piling risk upon risk.

But would Bijou have given him that time? Would Kambyses? Unlikely. Best to meet the threat head-on then, on their terms. Besides, it was too late now. They already turned into the driveway, which stretched past manicured hedges and elegant palm trees, all glowing with hidden landscape lighting. Ahead, the mansion sat, regal as a princess, watching their approach. Beneath the jagged steeples, tall windows glowed with soft interior lights.

Dominique brought them to a halt a solid twenty feet away from the front door and cut the motor. She pulled off her helmet and inhaled. Vibrant vegetation and sea spray filled her nose. No smoke, no ash.

While he finger-combed his hair and tied it at his nape with a thin leather strap, readying for the battle he expected, she stowed the helmet and their gloves. Suddenly, his hand captured hers, and he blew back into her mind like a winter wind. This is as far as you go. Wait here for me, or use the bike to run if you have to, but do not take foolish risks. I cannot protect you against what is in this house. No one can.

Squeezing his fingers, she held his worried gaze. It’ll be alright. And, no, I won’t leave without you.

The blood-red front door swung open without warning, and a young woman with a striking mane of bright auburn hair stepped out. She was dressed like a Grecian temple priestess, flowing white gown and all. “Back so soon,” she exclaimed, smiling brightly. “He will be so pleased.”

Dominique pulled his hand out of Cassidy’s, withdrawing from her mind in an instant, triggering a small wave of vertigo.

“And you must be Cassidy. I’ve so wanted to meet you.”

Cassidy smiled, instantly charmed by this strange, lively girl who lived with two exceedingly strong vampires. “Nice to meet you, too.”

“Come in, come in, both of you.” Monica gestured in enthusiastic welcome.

When Cassidy followed Dominique to the door, ignoring his request to stay behind, he gave her a dark look.

“Monica and I can chat while you’re doing your thing,” she said with a conciliatory shrug. That would keep her close, but not in the direct line of fire. A reasonable compromise, she thought. Dominique didn’t look convinced, but he said nothing.

“But of course we have to talk. Do you like tea? I was just making some.” Monica took Cassidy’s hand and guided her inside.

Gloom permeated the palatial lobby, except for a piercing spotlight at its center. There, a bare-breasted alabaster goddess oozed sensuality from a tall pedestal. The petite woman with the platinum pixie hair coming down the sweeping staircase was the statue’s living likeness. Her skin was just as white and her curves—wrapped in an emerald gown—were just as voluptuous.

Dominique stepped in front of Cassidy and growled softly. Bijou’s smile became brittle, her green eyes cold and hard. “Such poor manners,” she cooed. “Don’t worry your handsome youngling head over this one. Had I wanted her dead, she would be.”

The growl grew deeper, his eyes flashing to full black and fangs extending.

Bijou sighed dramatically. “Oh, but you are tiresome. I don’t know what he sees in you.” She turned away, curling a finger over her shoulder. “Come. You are expected.”

His eyes reverted to normal as he gave Cassidy one last look. Then he followed that undulating backside up the stairs. She fought the urge to run after a centuries-old vampire and break her neck for what she had done to Eddie. For laying hands on Dominique. For upending their lives. Grab her, punch her, and pitch her over the railing.
