Page 16 of Mike

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“It is early. We could go back to the ball.” He kept moving from side to side, pulling her closer.

“I-I’m confused, Mike. Maybe we should be around other people until my head clears,” she pleaded, looking up at him.

“I don’t mean to confuse you. Let me be perfectly clear, Sage. I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, and I want to get to know you on every level. Just you and me. No other man. No other woman.”

“You don’t have a girlfriend?” she asked.

“Nope. Not even a little.”

“Well, I’m surprised by that. And happy. I am hungry, though,” she smiled. “Can we get something to eat?”

“Now that I can help you with,” he laughed. “Come on. It’s back to the ball we go.”

Mike wrapped a wool shawl that was hanging on the hook by the door around her shoulders, then took her hand, walking slowly back to the tent. It wasn’t quite ten yet, but the party was in full swing, and everyone was having a great time. He wasn’t sure who had done the planning on Halo Island, but it was truly a miniature of their own home. There was an office, kitchen, meeting space, everything they needed.

Filling their plates with all the deliciousness offered at Belle Fleur, they took a seat at Nate and Harlow’s table. Mike was pleased to see that Sage got along with Harlow right away. He and Nate always said they didn’t know what they’d do if their significant others didn’t get along.

“This is so beautiful,” said Sage. “I’ve only been to one Mardi Gras ball, and it was mostly drunken frat boys with too much money and no common sense.”

“We try to keep the drunken frat boys away,” smiled Mike. “Mama Irene likes to have fun and have a good time, but never at the expense of others’ enjoyment.”

“I think my granny came out here a few times,” she said thoughtfully. “I’m not sure why all that didn’t register with me when I met Mama Irene at her funeral. She always talked about the lady with all the children.”

“That would be Irene,” smiled Nate. “She envelops everyone as if they’re her own. Actually, her daughter Claudette has been doing that a lot lately as well.”

“Sage, your gown is stunning. Where did you get it?” asked Harlow.

“Oh, it’s actually something a friend loaned me. She’s a clothing designer for the theater. This is a ballet gown at the top, very risqué with the sheer whale boning.” Mike blushed, nodding at her. “The bottom is from a ballgown used in Cinderella. I thought it was unusual. That, and it fit me. I’m kind of hard to fit.”

“Lucky you,” smiled Harlow. “I seem to be having trouble with fit lately as well, but I’m not sure why.”

“You’re beautiful,” smiled Nate, kissing his wife.

“Are you expecting?” asked Sage innocently. Harlow stared at the other woman, shaking her head slowly. Then she placed a hand over her belly.

“Yes. But we haven’t told everyone. We wanted it to be a surprise.”

“That’s fucking awesome! Maybe it will be twins, like us,” laughed Mike.

“Twins,” whispered Harlow. “Oh, shit, Nate. I think we’re having twins. That’s why I’m so big already.”

“Twins,” smiled Nate. “Hell, yeah.” He turned to the crowd and shouted at the top of his lungs.

“We’re having twins!”

“Nate! We’re not sure.”

“I’m sure,” he smiled. “Come on, let’s get you home.” Sage waved at the happy couple as they left the tent, smiling the entire time.

“That’s really sweet,” she smiled. Mike smiled, nodding at her. “Do you want children?”

“Yes,” he said quickly. “I mean. Yes. When it’s time. I’d like twins, just like them. It was great growing up with a twin. I’d love to have that for my children.”

“I’m not sure it’s something you can control.”

“Well, my father is a twin. He had twins. My uncle had twins. It seems like a family trait if you ask me.” He watched as Sage pushed the plate of food away, touching her stomach. “Had enough?”

“I’m stuffed, Mike. Thank you.”
