Page 2 of Mike

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Thanks to the men of Belle Fleur, basic training was a breeze for Mike and Nate. Neither liked the yelling by the drill instructors but knew it was all part of the training.

They were seen as super-human by their peers and, as expected, by their command. When others were falling and failing, the Redhawk brothers were whizzing past them, always returning to cheer on the others. Immediately seen as leaders, the command knew they had something special in the Redhawk brothers. After all, it was in their DNA.


“Sir?” answered Mike and Nate.

“Shit, I need to identify you better. Doesn’t matter. Both of you are wanted in the command center.”

The two men took off in a slow jog, knowing that they were expected immediately. When they stood before the panel of men staring at them, they understood. They knew what was coming at them, and they were ready.

“I knew your father and uncle,” said the general. “He and his brother were the best Delta operatives we’ve ever had. That is, outside of your grandfather, who is still somewhat of a mystery and legend to this day.”

“Yes, sir.”

“You requested to be a team.”

“Yes, sir.” Their voices echoed in the room, the men at the table shaking their heads. They were not only identical. Their voices seemed to hit at the same register.

“It’s been the policy of the Army these last few years not to place siblings together in the same unit or command. We don’t want to have to give bad news to a parent about their child, but to give it about two of their children would be even worse.”

“Then we’d respectfully request a transfer, sir,” said Mike.

“Whoa, whoa, Redhawk,” smirked the colonel. “We didn’t say we weren’t going to let you serve together. You’re a team. We’re not stupid. We see how well you two work together. It must be a weird twin thing, but we can almost see you telepathically sending signals. I can’t explain it, but then again, I don’t want to.”

“What the colonel is saying is that we’re going to allow you to be a team and operate somewhat independently,” said the general. “We’ll give you ops, send you to your locations, but you’ll be independent of a full team unless you need one. If you need one, you’ll get to choose who you want.”

“If we need one,” said Mike, “we’d choose our cousins, JB and Tobias Redhawk.”

“Of course,” nodded the general with a smile. “I forgot that they were out there already. That makes sense, and God help the enemy if he comes upon four Redhawks. Alright, gentlemen, you have your first assignment. You’ve got everything you need, but if there’s something else, just contact command, and we’ll get it to you. One way or another.”

“Sir, yes, sir!”

The group of men watched as they jogged back toward their barracks, then looked at one another.

“I hope we’re not making a mistake by keeping them together,” said the colonel. “This could end disastrously. If something were to happen to one or both of them, you know damn good and well their father and grandfather will be knocking on our door. And I’m telling all of you right now, I will not answer the damn door.”

“We’re not making a mistake. Redhawk men don’t fail. We’ve seen it with their fathers, their cousins, and we damn sure know the legend of their grandfather.”

“We should have separated them.”

“You do, and we’re going to lose the best warriors we have. I will not fuck with that. Let them do what they’ve been trained to do.”

Nate kicked the foot of the man they’d been interrogating. Mike was standing beside him with a basin of water and tossed it into his face. The man sputtered and coughed, shaking off the cold.

“Why are you here?” asked Nate.

“Fuck you,” smirked the man. Mike backhanded him with a doubled fist, sending his head sideways and blood spewing from his mouth.

“Try that again. Why are you here?” asked Nate. The man started laughing as he straightened against the wall.

“You’re stupid, Redhawk.”

Nate and Mike both stiffened, unwilling to admit anything. They had no identification on them. None whatsoever. They never carried anything that could identify them. Dressed entirely in black, they didn’t even identify as military. Both with long, dark hair, it was usually tied up in a topknot or in a ponytail tucked beneath a cap.

“You think we didn’t know who you are? Why you were snooping around? We knew. He might be dead, but your buddy Garvin was more than a little helpful. Happy to sell out the trash that belongs to REAPER or whatever you’re calling yourselves these days. We truly appreciated that.”

“You’ve got ten seconds before I blow your brains out,” said Nate.

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