Page 25 of Mike

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“God, did he…”

“No,” said Nathan, shaking his head. He held out an arm for Sage to hold and continued walking toward the gardens. “There appeared to be some, touching. But nothing severe, nothing that she remembered. Miguel changed after that. He sold off his business. Bought hotels, clothing manufacturers, and spent his money for good. He gave millions to our organization helping victims recover.”

“I think that’s admirable,” said Sage. “But my parents did nothing quite so admirable or heroic. They ignored me, abused my granny’s trust, burned through money like crazy, and as of today, I find out that they were master thieves as well.”

“But that wasn’t you, Sage. You have your parents’ DNA. You can’t get around that. You got your hair color, eye color, height, all of it from one of them. I would imagine because you lived with your granny from a very young age, you inherited her common sense, intelligence, good heart, and work ethic.

“You are a beautiful, intelligent, wonderful young woman, Sage. My son wouldn’t be in love with you if you weren’t. I trust him, and I trust you.”

Sage fell into his arms, sobbing against his rib cage. They were all so much taller than her. She couldn’t help but feel like a child falling against them. He rubbed her back, cooing softly.

“It’s alright,” he whispered. “It’s alright.”

“W-will you help me figure this out?” she sniffed.

“We’ll all help you,” said Trak, walking toward the duo. Behind him were Joseph, JB, Tobias, Nate, and Mike. “Redhawk men stick together, and we make sure those we love are taken care of. You will never be alone again, Sage. I assure you.”

“I don’t understand how I found you all,” she said, shaking her head.

“You ran into me on the dance floor,” smiled Mike. Sage laughed, nodding at him.

“Fate and the spirits brought you to us,” said Trak. “Sage is an important thing in our culture. It’s used for healing, to chase away evil spirits, and to purify people. You have a purpose here, and we are going to help you fulfill that purpose.” Sage smiled at the shockingly handsome men surrounding her like a wall of testosterone.

“Okay. Where do we start?”


Sage was seated at the huge table in the library of the big house. Megan, Zoe, and the others wanted to be sure she was moved out of the sterile offices to a more pleasant setting. The floor-to-ceiling bookshelves in the library were stacked with volume after volume of some of the most prolific writings in history.

She stood, walking the perimeter, her fingers touching each volume, smelling the leather mixed with paper and ink. Even after decades of publishing, the scent was still prevalent. This must have been one of the things that brought her granny and Mama Irene together. Although Loretta’s love was jewelry, she was a fan of anything with a history.

“This place is magnificent,” she whispered.

“It is,” smiled Claudette. “My parents and their ancestors did their best to not throw anything away that might help to tell the story of our family and Belle Fleur. They even saved things belonging to other families around here, just wanting to preserve history. They worked diligently to preserve everything in this home, and in doing so, preserved our family legacy and history.

“All of these paintings you see are from visiting artists that passed through here in the 1800s. The furniture was acquired on trips to Europe. My parents know a bargain when they see one, and they darn sure know an antique when they see one.”

Sage smiled at the woman, her eyes catching the delicate amethyst and diamond earrings hanging from her ears. They were Civil War era, expertly crafted and designed, and superbly preserved. Claudette touched her lobes, smiling.

“These belonged to Martha at one time,” smiled Claudette. “My sisters and I all have family heirlooms. Your granny helped to repair and restore these for me.”

“I thought I recognized the work,” she smiled. “I’m glad she was able to help you preserve them. They’re lovely.”

Sara and Dylan set two trays on the massive library table. There were sandwiches, cookies, hot tea, and coffee.

“If y’all need anything else, just call,” smiled Claudette. “Jake and I will be around. Martha asked if she could join you. She could be of help.”

“I didn’t think about that,” said Jean. “I’d love for her and Franklin to join us. We might need their assistance at some point.” Both appeared through the bookshelves, and Sage could only shake her head with a grin.

Dozens of photos were laid out on the table with descriptions written on the back of each item. Megan and Zoe would be invaluable in identifying the furniture pieces, whereas Sage would be more helpful with any jewelry items.

“I recognize that,” said Martha, immediately pointing to a table in the middle of the photos.

“You’ve seen this?” asked Jean. “Are you sure?”

“Don’t make me get your Mama to spank you, Jean Robicheaux,” said his ancestor. Jean held up his hands, smiling at the woman. “That table was once in the governor’s mansion. It was given to him by Charles X of France in appreciation for keeping many of the French Napoleonic laws in New Orleans. Charles always hoped to get Louisiana back. He was a pompous man.”

“King Charles or the governor?” smirked Jean.
