Page 28 of Mike

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“Maybe Loretta,” said Mike. “I don’t know. I don’t know how close they really were, but it seems strange that she would tell her those things.”

“You’re not thinking clearly enough. Who else would Mama Irene speak with every week, telling him everything.”

“Shit. Father Blanchard.”

“Yes,” nodded Tony. “She doesn’t just go to confession with him. She tells him things about her family and its history. Never anything about what we’re doing or who everyone here is, but she does tell him other things.”

“Tony? How do you know this?” asked Hex.

“Well, I get bored sometimes, and when Father Blanchard comes, I like to be near him and hear what they talk about. He’s not a bad man, but he’s a man who owes a lot of money.”

“What do you mean?” asked Luke.

“He’s been stealing from the parish for years now.”

“Tony! Why the fuck wouldn’t you tell us this?” yelled Luke.

“I didn’t think it was my place to tell you.” He shrugged. “It wasn’t affecting us or our business. Besides, he’s a priest, and he’s important to Mama Irene. I don’t want to hurt her.”

“But it is affecting us and our business, Tony,” said Hex with a much more sympathetic tone. “We give a lot of money to the church to ensure that we can have weddings on speed dial and that Father Blanchard tells no one about the compound.”

“You bring him in from the back of the property and don’t allow him to see anything,” said Tony, looking puzzled. Luke took a long breath, shaking his head.

“Sometimes, I forget that you’re still just a kid, Tony. I’m sorry I yelled at you. We need to include you more in these meetings. Father Blanchard may be using his position to get information that will help him get out of debt, but I fear he’s in above his head on this one.”

“Then maybe we need to pay a visit to Father Blanchard,” said Mike. “After all, he’s supposed to marry Sage and me tomorrow.” Luke nodded at the other men in the room, then looked back at Tony.

“Does Father Blanchard know about you?” he asked.

“No. I never reveal myself to anyone other than family.

“Then get ready. You’re going on a little trip.”


Fixing the collar beneath his robe, Father Blanchard stared at the men who were standing in front of him. He’d known them all since they were babies, performing their baptisms and, soon, Mike’s wedding. Perhaps they were here to discuss the wedding plans, or maybe there was something else. Either way, he was always excited to see anyone from Belle Fleur.

“I’m so glad to see you all,” he smiled. “Mike, I met Sage, and she’s lovely. Happy to marry the two of you Tuesday afternoon.”

None of the men said anything, just staring at the priest. Luke looked around the parish office, taking note of the elegant furnishings. The parish wasn’t wealthy, but thanks to his grandparents’ constant donations, it was more than profitable. But the furniture gave the impression of someone in a much higher position than the priest. This felt like an office for a cardinal or pope. Not a parish priest.

“You’re all very quiet,” he said nervously.

“Why?” asked Hex.

“Why? I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re asking me?”

“Why would you break the trust of a woman like Irene Robicheaux?” That got his attention. The charming grin was gone, the relaxed posture now stiff and formal. “How could you take the things she told you of her family and use them for your own good?”

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I think you do,” said Luke. “You’ve done a lot of upgrades to the office since I was here last. Beautiful furniture, magnificent paintings, even that pretty tea set over there is impressive. Early 18th-century French if I’m right. See, I’m not just a dumb SEAL.”

Now, Father Broussard was nervous. There were six men standing in front of his desk, and no way for him to escape. He had no excuses. None.

“How did it start? How did you end up needing the money?” asked Hex.

He thought about lying, but he’d already broken so many vows he knew he was doomed to hell. In fact, he was fairly certain that by the end of this conversation, he’d be on his way to excommunication.
