Page 30 of Mike

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“She was healthier than you thought. Two years before your folks died, she found a bunch of stolen items in their apartment. She thought they was stealin’ it and then sellin’ it. They just hadn’t gotten around to sellin’ what was there. They moved it all to storage units around the city. Stupid as they were, bless their souls.

“I helped her hire a coupla’ boys from the bayou to steal them back. Your mama and daddy were bleedin’ money left and right. Couldn’t figure out who knew about their stuff and where it went. Together, we were able to find most of the owners. But those we didn’t…”

“You put in a different storage unit,” nodded Sage. “You were both planning on getting them back to their owners. But all that stuff couldn’t have fit in their apartment.”

“It didn’t. I mean, it did, but not all at once. They was stealin’ all the time. They’d rob his daddy’s car dealership, steal money, steal cars and sell ‘em, and then they’d run off somewhere and steal or buy all that stuff. Every time, Loretta knew about it.”

“Mauricio,” whispered Sage. “He told her.”

“He did,” nodded Irene. “He was handy to have around. Man has a connection to things in the city. Somethin’ I’ve used a time or two over the decades. I didn’t have a key to the storage unit, and I didn’t know what was left in there. She’d usually send me pictures, and I’d help her. When she died, well, I wasn’t sure what to do. I didn’t know there were some of Marcel’s things in there.”

“But my parents have been dead for years. How was she getting new stuff?”

“That’s a bit more complicated,” said Irene. “I know you liked Lennox, child. But he was workin’ with Manuel at the antique store next door. They’d been stealin’ for years and sellin’ the items to pay back their debts.”

“Selling them to who? You don’t just advertise for someone to buy a three-hundred-year-old painting or chandelier. People want verification of their purchases,” said Sage. “Was she paying off debts as well?”

“No. No, she was never in debt. They didn’t know she was behind the double-steal,” smirked Irene. “Gotta say, it was genius. She overheard them talkin’ in the alley one night about where they kept everything. That’s when she started gettin’ the boys to break in and steal things, just a little at a time. They had so much stuff in them storage places they never even knew it was gone.

“When Lennox left your shop, he knew he was in big trouble with them Chinese boys. They’d been askin’ him for specific things for years. It had to come from a particular area of the world, made from somethin’ special. He and Manuel left the city. Don’t know how far they got.”

“Grandma, why in the hell would you not tell us this?” asked Carl. Nearly the entire team was standing around her, frowning in her direction.

“I promised Loretta I wouldn’t,” she said, wringing her hands. “It was kind of an adventure for her. Giving her some excitement that she needed. I don’t think she knew that them boys were takin’ the stolen items and tradin’ them for weapons and favors around the world. I didn’t know until Tony mentioned it.”

“So, you planned all of this? You made sure that we would work with Tony and figure out that the Chinese mafia are the ones causing the issues.”

“I’m not some slow old woman, Ben. I know what I’m doin’. I kept my promise to Loretta and didn’t say nothin’. Now, well, now I’m worried that them boys might try to come and hurt Sage. They need the money from all them things to do whatever evil they got planned. The diamonds are real important to them for some reason.”

“Irene, I appreciate your friendship with my granny and the fact that you kept her secret. But she was doing something illegal. She was stealing stolen goods.”

“And she was returnin’ them,” nodded Irene. “She’d find out who they belonged to and have the boys deliver it to their doorsteps. They’d think they was goin’ crazy.” She laughed but noticed that no one else was laughing with her.

“Grandma,” frowned Adam.

“Okay, okay. I shoulda’ said somethin’ sooner. Now I have. You boys find out what’s goin’ on and keep our girl safe.”

“Are there any other storage units or hiding places?” asked Sage. “I have to think there’s jewelry out there that we need to find.”

“Oh, yes,” nodded Irene with a smile. “It’s in our safe in the Sugar Lodge. Lots of pretty jewels that need to be returned. But you’re sure gonna tick off them Chinese fellas.” Irene walked away from them, joining Matthew on the dance floor as if she’d just come from the nail salon.

“We need to see what’s in that safe,” said Sage.

“Not tonight,” said Mike. “Tonight is our wedding night. It’s not going anywhere. We’ll go out in the morning with the others, during daylight, and see what’s really out there. I’m just trying to figure out how buying and selling antiquities and jewels is yielding more profit than drugs or any of the other usual shit.”

“It’s easy money,” said Ethan. “Nobody is looking out for armoire dealers. They’re looking out for cocaine dealers. This doesn’t make them enough money to get rich, but it probably supports a huge part of their business.

“Throughout history, antique weapons have been traded, sold, and stolen. It was easy money that couldn’t be traced, taxed, or, in most cases, found. They’re doing the same thing and, apparently, doing it better.”

“I missed the class on this one, Ethan. If these guys are Chinese mafia, we know what they’re capable of. Theirs is a take no prisoners, leave no witnesses kind of business. But Mama Irene is right about one thing. Why are the jewels, especially the diamonds, so important to them?”

“That’s what we have to figure out,” said Ethan. “Take your bride home. We’ll get to this soon enough.”

Taking his new wife back to their cottage, he was more than happy to have an evening alone with her. Dressed in her simple, ivory satin gown, she stood near the fireplace, chasing the chill from her bones.

“If I didn’t tell you already, you look beautiful tonight. Every vision I’ve ever had of a bride was carried out by you. I can’t believe I almost let you run away from me the night of the ball.” She smiled at him, nodding.

“Yes, that redhead truly had your attention.” Mike stared up at her in shock.
