Page 36 of Mike

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“We’ve all had the same look on our faces at some point. As good as we all are, and believe me, we’re the best, there are still times when you just have that nagging feeling as though you’re forgetting something.”

“It’s not really that I’m forgetting something, but more that I’m missing something,” she said. “This is when I really wish my granny was here. Although I’d want to scream and yell at her for putting me in this predicament. I just can’t understand why she didn’t ask Mama Irene to help her by asking all of you to help. She must have known what you all do for a living.”

“Maybe she was embarrassed, Sage. She was a proud woman, from what I know, and this probably would have felt like a big fail for her. I mean, can you image what she felt when she saw all of that stuff inside your parents’ apartment?”

“I guess I didn’t really think about that,” she said quietly. Looking up at the big man, she realized that he looked similar to Mike and his brother. “Are you related to Mike?”

“Sort of,” he smirked. “My father is Zeke Wolfkill. He’s Apache, whereas Trak is Diné, or Navajo as you might know the name. We’re different tribes but one people. One nation. Ela is my cousin. She’s married to Marc Jordan.”

“Wow, there are so many of you,” she said, shaking her head. “If I have it right, Marc is a triplet with Georgie and Wes. Wes had triplets, and his triplets had triplets.” She laughed, shaking her head.

“You got it on the first try. Well done!”

“It’s just remarkable the number of multiples on the property. I wonder if there’s something in the water or soil. I mean, surely, it’s quite unusual.”

“We tend to not question things like that around here,” smirked Kiel. “Our belief is that everything happens for a reason. We are not in control of what happens, nor do we want to be.”

“I guess not,” she said with a shy smile. “I just wonder. I mean, Mike is a twin, and his father is a twin. Will I have twins?”

“I don’t think I can answer that,” smiled Kiel. “But if I were a betting man, I’d bet on you having twins. After all, Harlow is already pregnant with twins. Maybe just start buying everything in pairs.”

“Thank you, Kiel. For talking to me and making me feel better. I wish I’d had a big brother or uncles that I could talk to when I was younger. I never had conversations like these with my father, and Granny and I had something different. But I’m glad that I have all of you now. This made me feel better, thank you. I appreciate it.”

“Any time, Sage. I’ll see you around.” He waved at her as he headed toward the cafeteria with the others. She felt the strong hand of Mike on her back and smiled up at him.

“You good, baby?”

“I’m absolutely great. In fact, I think we should eat and then go home and practice having twins.” Mike laughed, tossing his head back in a roar.

“I’m all in, babe. All in!”


Mike couldn’t help but smile at his wife laughing with the other wives, including his mother, sister-in-law, and grandmother. She fit in perfectly with their family. It amazed him how quickly it had all happened for him. Everyone knew the stories of their family. One minute, you were happy, or relatively happy, being single. And the next, you were madly in love.

“Mike,” said Nate, nudging his brother. “Comms got a hit on Murad. He’s been hanging around on Royal and Chartres near the antique shops. Several shop cameras showed him going inside, asking questions, and asking to see items. Let’s check it out.”

Mike nodded at his brother, walking over to his wife, and giving her a kiss.

“We’re going into town to check something out. Stay here, okay?”

“I promise,” she smiled.

By the time Mike made it to the SUV, it was already loaded with his brother, Nate; cousins, JB and Tobias; and his teammates Dan, Ian, and Jak.

“Looks like a party,” smirked Mike.

“You’re not going to do this alone,” said Nate. “We’re here for you and for Sage. I’m not worried about Farid and Omar. We can handle them. I’m worried about Yun. Everything we’ve seen and heard says that bastard is willing to kill his way through the country to get what he wants.”

“Yeah, he’s the one that worries me as well,” said Mike. “I know what our usual instincts are, but we need to try and keep these assholes alive long enough to ask a few questions.”

“You’re no fun since you got married,” smirked Tobias.

“I’m a lot of fun,” laughed Mike. “Just ask my wife.” The guys all chuckled, shaking their heads.

“Wife. Did you ever think we’d be saying those words?” said JB, staring at his teammates.

“I guess I did,” said Nate, staring at the others. “I mean, I thought I would, but I wasn’t about to push it. It feels more surreal to see Mike with a wife.”

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