Page 43 of Mike

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“No. I didn’t have the courage to do it back then. I was thinking about it, even told one of my best friends I was thinkin’ on it. Turns out, he wasn’t such a good friend. He went and told my mama and then told one of the boys on our basketball team. A white boy.”

“Oh,” whispered Sage quietly. “Did they hurt you?”

“No,” he said, straightening his back. “I’m not a small man, and I wasn’t a small younger man. I knew that Matthew and Irene didn’t care. They were as kind to me as anyone ever. I thought my mama would support me, but she said I’d be risking Claudette’s life. I just couldn’t do it.

“I made the horrible mistake of letting others influence what I knew was right. I went off to college on a football scholarship but had to come home and take care of my younger sisters when my mama got sick. Dated a girl in college, and we married. I loved her. She was a good woman. But I wasn’t in love with her.

“It was years later that I ran into that friend who told my mama and that other boy. He confessed that he did it because he liked Claudette. Years of betrayal eatin’ away at me, Sage. Years. Then one day this big man on a motorcycle stops, and we get to talkin’ about engines and cars and motorcycles. Skull was one of the biggest men I’d ever seen next to the Robicheaux boys. I never thought it would lead me back here.

“I had so much negativity inside of me, Sage. I was lettin’ thoughts others had get shoved into my head. Once I saw Claudette again, all bets were off. I knew I wasn’t gonna let her go again.”

“But were you able to forgive those that betrayed you?” she asked.

“Hell, no,” he chuckled. “I beat the hell out of that supposed best friend. Ran into that white boy that got ugly with me about ten years later. He was down on his luck askin’ me for a job. Walked right out of the office when he saw me. Knew I wasn’t gonna give him any favors. I wish I could follow Irene’s advice and forgive easily, but I just can’t.”

“I’m not sure I can either, Jake. I trusted Hiram. I trusted my parents. I trusted my granny. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to fully forgive them for what they’ve done.”

“Well,” he said, gripping her hand, “why don’t you let time take care of that? For now, all you got to worry about is stayin’ safe and bein’ Mrs. Mike Redhawk. That seems easy enough.”

“I think that’s pretty easy,” she grinned. She took in a deep breath, looking around the gardens. “You know, I do feel better after being out here for a while. What do you think it is about this place that does that? Is it really healing?”

Jake stood up, his feet crunching against the gravel path as he started to walk back toward the big house.

“Can’t say for sure,” he grinned, “but I can tell you that I’ll protect it all with everything in my body. And you too, honey. I’ll protect you too.”

Sage watched as he walked away. He was big and tall, strong for a man his age. Claudette came walking toward him, hugging her big husband and kissing him. Hand-in-hand, they walked toward the long tree-lined drive, whispering to one another.

“That will be us in thirty years,” smiled Mike. He handed her the thermal mug filled with hot tea, and she smiled at him.

“I sure hope so. I guess first, I have to survive whatever this mess is.”

“You’ll survive. We won’t have it any other way. They’re just about ready to send out the news clip. It should hit every news agency within a few hours. We were even able to find a few business trips that seem highly suspicious for Mr. Silverstein.”

“Let me guess. He went to the Middle East.”

“He did. That alone is strange for a Jewish man, but to go multiple times without bringing anything back is even stranger. There are also multiple trips to China.”

“What do we do now?” she asked.

“I think you need a boat ride.”


“What is this?” growled the man behind the desk.

“Someone released a press statement,” said Silverstein. “Every law enforcement agency in the country will be on the lookout for your men. They’ve told them what kinds of tattoos to look for, their skill set, everything. If they’re Chinese, or even look Chinese, and here legally or illegally, they’re going to be scrutinized.”

“I need those diamonds!”

“How can you be so sure about this?” asked Silverstein. “Diamonds are wonderful. Believe me, I’ve spent my life working with them, selling them, trading them. But I’ve never heard of a diamond that is capable of what you’re asking.”

“Let me worry about that,” he frowned. “My scientists ensure me that they can make this work.”

“What if they can’t? I’ve risked everything to do this with you. I want assurances.” The man stood, slamming his hand against the desk. To his credit, Silverstein didn’t move. He just stared at him, wondering what sort of temper tantrum he would throw now. Thankfully, there was a soft knock on the door that interrupted them.


“Sir, our men are back from New Orleans,” said the man.
