Page 55 of Mike

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“Can we go home? Can we go home and make babies?” she asked, grinning up at him.

“You’re speaking my language.”


There were questions. Lots of questions and reports. With hundreds of men in custody and no leader for them to turn to, the men of the mafia were prisoners in a country not their own.

The rest scattered. They either made their way home or made their way to another country, hoping to pick up where they left off. For the men of VG, it didn’t matter. They were alive and well to fight another day if necessary.

There was more than enough business to discuss at the morning meeting. Taking longer than usual, everyone was getting antsy, wanting to call it a day. The seniors were off working their first case for Gray Wolf, but they still had a load of items on their plate.

Thundering footsteps came down the hallway, Pigsty running into the room.

“You’re a little late, brother,” smirked Hex.

“I’ve been tracking something. Something I couldn’t put my finger on.”

“Tracking what? Where?”

“In the bayou. There’s something and someone in the bayou.”

Four dozen men ran from the room, following Pigsty’s lead. As they ran, he told them he’d sent Dan out to investigate, but he hadn’t returned yet. As the boats left the dock, headed to the object coming through on the drone, the wives watched in curiosity.

“What now?” asked Sage.

“Oh, sweetie, it’s best not to ask,” smiled Gabi. “Why don’t we go take a look at what you’ve got in the library.”

With the entire room drowning in antiques, they were slowly making their way through the items and finding their rightful homes. Franklin, Martha, and Marcel sat on an imaginary ledge above them, just watching.

“We’ve still got a lot to find, but it’s getting there. I did have an idea, though,” smiled Sage. She reached behind one of the desks and pulled out the long scabbard, the handle exposed.

“That’s my sword,” whispered Marcel.

“It is,” she smiled. “I’m not sure if this will work, but we took the diamonds that we felt certain were from this. I replaced most of the jewels, and I’m hoping that since it belongs to you, you can feel it and touch it once again.”

“I don’t think it works that way,” said Marcel with a sad face.

“Well, Martha can feel things in her ancestral home. Nathan can feel Martha. Tony can feel Claudette. It seems to me this is somewhat of a ghost item. An item that belonged to you and was special to you. Let’s just see if it works.”

Marcel stared at the scabbard and sword lying on the table. It had been polished, shining like the day he last saw it. Memories flooded his body, making the emotions rise within him.

“Just try, Marcel,” whispered Sage.

He nodded at the young woman, reaching out for the sword. At first, he was certain his hand would simply slide through it. But when it stopped, feeling the ivory of the handle, the steel of the blade, and those precious jewels, he wanted to cry.

“I can touch it. I feel it,” he said with surprise. Lifting the sword, he swung it around, then placed it back into the scabbard. “How?”

“I don’t know,” said Sage. “It was just a hunch, and I’m happy that it paid off for you. It’s yours. You should have it on you.”

“Thank you,” he said, wiping the tears. “Thank you.”

“Gotta go,” said Gabi, looking at her phone. “They’re bringing a woman in.”

“A woman?”

“They found a woman in the bayou. She’s barely alive. Gotta run!”

Gabi, Ajei, Ally, and Lucinda raced from the library, heading toward the docks. Wilson, Cruz, and Doc were already on their way. The clinic was preparing for the arrival.

“Wow, things definitely happen quickly around here,” said Sage. Kate nodded, smiling at the woman.

“They certainly do.”
