Page 5 of Hot Firefighter

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I make a face. “You’re not even out of breath!” There’s a hell of a lot of stairs between the floor we were on and here, and if I tried to walk up them at a normal pace, I would probably feel like dying after three flights. But to get here this quickly, Aidan must’ve practically run down the things.

He chuckles, lifting his shoulder in a shrug. “Fireman, remember? Running up the stairs is just a normal Friday for me.”

I laugh at that, shaking my head. “You’re insane to do it willingly.”

Aidan’s gaze heats as his expression turns serious. “Wasn’t willing to wait a second longer than necessary to be in your company again,” he says, and dammit I’m blushing from head to toe.

His compliments muddle my brain, and he dishes them out so easily. This man…

“Tell me, sweetheart, what’s your favorite food?” he asks as I round the desk to join him on the other side.

I consider the question while we head out the front door, the warm breeze outside making my hair fly around my shoulders. “I should say salad or something,” I joke, then gasp as Aidan’s heated stare hardens.

He steps closer to me, and I let him, welcoming his closeness without a thought. His hand brushes mine, my skin tingling at the contact.

“Why do you say that?”

“Isn’t that what guys expect girls to eat on dates?” I ask with another breathy laugh.

“I don’t give a shit what other guys expect,” he grumbles. “They’re all wrong. You’re damn perfect, Autumn and nobody’s favorite food is salad. Answer me properly this time, sweetheart.”

There’s a knee-weakening gravel to his words that makes my breath shudder. I have to restrain myself from stepping closer and getting rid of the inches of distance between us. I want him in every way, and that should terrify me, considering I’ve never felt remotely like this before. But with Aidan, I feel…safe.

“Ice cream,” I blurt, pushing my hair out my face.

Aidan’s grin is wide and warm. This time, when our hands brush, he slides his palm against mine, twining our fingers together. I swear my heart melts in my chest. He’s holding my hand, but I feel his touch everywhere.

“I know just the place,” he says, and I follow his lead as he starts walking down the street.

He takes me to a little diner two blocks away—a place I didn’t even know existed. It’s cute and warm inside, the air smelling sweet from all the baked goods and cakes on display in the glass cabinet at the front. The walls are painted a sunny yellow and red leather booths line the wall.

Aidan greets the woman at the counter cheerily, and we take a corner booth. I slide into the comfy seat, and though the booth and table are a good size, the second Aidan sits across from me, it feels as though there’s no distance between us at all. He consumes all my senses.

The waitress comes over with a beaming smile and an order pad in hand. “Aidan! Good to see you,” she greets, “and who’s this pretty girl?”

I can’t help my smile.

“Hi, Amanda. This is Autumn,” Aidan says, my name sounding sweet on his tongue. “Her favorite food is ice cream, so obviously I had to bring her here.”

The waitress slides her notepad into the front of her apron and claps her hands together. “You’ve got a good one here,” she tells me with a wink that makes me laugh, “if only because he knows we have the best ice cream sundaes in the city. I’ll be back in two minutes.”

When she leaves, I turn to Aidan, a little confused. “We didn’t even order,” I say.

“Trust me?” he asks, and I nod immediately. “I promise, you won’t regret it.”

I grin. “I have high expectations now. This ice cream better change my life.”

Aidan’s hand finds mine across the table like he doesn’t want to stop touching me even though there’s a table between us. “It will,” he promises with a smile that makes my knees feel all shaky again. God, it’s like he’s working magic on me.

True to her word, Amanda the waitress returns two minutes later with a tray in her hands, a huge sundae glass balanced on it along with a plate of waffles. She sets our food down with a grin.

“Enjoy,” she says cheerily before bustling away to greet another customer.

I stare at the pile of ice cream in front of me, mouth-watering. Big scoops of vanilla and chocolate ice cream fill the glass, combined with whipped cream, chocolate sauce, and cherries. It’s the picture-perfect ice cream sundae, and I’m pretty sure I have to marry this man because as first dates go? I literally can’t imagine anything better.

Whoa, slow it down,the rational side of my brain reminds me, but one glance up at the man across from me shuts all logic down. He’s looking at me like I’m looking at the ice cream, with awe and…hunger. Except, instead of leering at me the way I’ve seen other guys do, his gaze is appreciative and far from unwelcome.

I duck my face before he can see yet another blush rise to my cheeks and scoop out a big bite of my sundae. The flavors explode on my tongue, and my eyes flutter shut, a contented moan escaping me as I swallow.
