Page 82 of Dr. Alpha

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I turned and found Bruce walking to the receptionist area but he looked lost.

“Should we call out to him? Maybe both of you can have a tea break together?” Hannah suggested.

“No please don't,” I shook my head negatively, too tired to think about anything.

“Are you two fighting or something?” Hannah asked.

“It's nothing like that. I'm just not in the mood to speak to anyone else,” I lied. The only person I didn't want to speak to was just Bruce.

“All right, sorry for bothering you. Get some rest okay?” Becca suggested as she grabbed Hannah's hand to leave.

I made my way to my office and sank in my chair. Luckily for me, there were no appointments that day. Thanks to Bruce's organization, most of my patients had been referred to other gynecologists in the hospital. I had nothing to do most days. Here I was, thinking he had done it just to help me make my job easier.

In reality he might have done it to make everyone else see me as a lazy human being. There was a knock on my door.

“I'm not in the mood for any visitors,” I announced.

“It's kind of urgent,” Shawn said from behind the door.

“I'm not in the mood to deal with this,” I sighed.

“It has to do with why you were fired from the board,” he said, capturing my attention immediately.

I sat upright and beckoned, “Come in.”

“I was expecting you to turn me away even after I told you my reason for coming,” he said as he entered the office and closed the door.

“Because you might have something valuable to me to get out of this mess I'm in,” I responded and motioned for him to sit down.

He took a seat and asked, “How have you been coping?”

“Terribly. Now tell me what you found,” I demanded, urging him to get down to business.

“You will always be impatient,” he sighed as he placed a photograph on my table. “Do you remember this person?”

I picked up the photograph and recognized the person immediately.

“Isn't this Philbert Johan from medical school?” I asked.

“Yes, that's him. We used to be friends together in school,” he explained. “If I remember correctly, he had some sort of rivalry with you.”

“Yes, I also remember that,” I said while gradually losing my patience. “What does this have to do with losing my chairmanship?”

“I'm getting to it,” he responded. “You see, Johan was trying to surpass his elder brother. Everything was going smoothly for him until you came to medical school. Everything he planned to achieve you took in the blink of an eye. He had struggled to achieve the level of success he desired.”

“I'm still not seeing the point of all this.” Now I was losing my temper.

“I want you to take a good look at the photo again, don't you think he looks familiar?” he asked.

I stared at the photo again. The face looked oddly familiar but I still couldn't picture who it was.

“Looks like you're having trouble,” Shawn said, while placing another photograph on the table. “Maybe this can help you out.”

I picked up the second photograph and set them side by side. My mouth dropped in surprise. On my left was a picture of Philbert and on my right was a picture of Bruce. Placed side by side, I could finally see the similarity.

“Little doctor.”

That was the same me whose heart had called Philbert back in medical school, and that was how Bruce addressed me at the party.
