Page 106 of My Noble Disgrace

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We stared at each other, neither of us moving away.

The carriage came to a stop, but we hardly noticed until the door flew open.

Cael, along with another man, stood there.

Graham and I pulled back from each other.

“I was tying my bootlaces,” I said to the guard, or to Cael, or to whoever might believe my red-faced excuses.

“Mine too,” said Graham, his hair messier than it had been when he got into the carriage. He pointed at his laceless shoes, then tried to tuck them under the seat to hide them.

Cael’s mouth curled in disgust.

“Rank cards, please!” said the guard, thankfully unconcerned with whatever he’d interrupted.

We furnished our cards and sighed in relief when the door shut again.

The horses trotted forward as the massive gates creaked on their hinges to take us onto the dirt road. Again, I envied the power and privilege with which Cael moved through the world and hated myself for handing it to him.

I opened my curtain as we passed through the gates.

Graham smoothed his hair before he reopened his own.

A large, windowless carriage followed us. It held Keane and his men, with two Enforcers driving. I imagined the hopefulprisoners cuffed in the dark, and I closed my eyes, praying that they would end up on the boat instead of in prison.

The carriage jolted over the craggy path, taking us closer to the shore. The sun was high in the sky, half-covered by ominous clouds as it inched westward. The waves cascaded lazily over the sand, crashing with a crescendo once they reached the rock, then retreating into the dance of the undercurrent.

I could live with an ocean view like this. When I left the city, I would hardly miss the conveniences and luxuries that my father claimed he would.

But I would miss the home that held every memory of my mother.

I would miss my father’s adopted parents, Etna and Marcus, who’d always treated me like their own granddaughter.

I surreptitiously glanced toward Graham, who gazed out the window, either not noticing or pretending not to notice me looking at him.

I’d miss him most of all. I’d miss his shy smile, his patience, his kindness, and the way he ducked his head when I teased him. I’d miss the shape of his lips and the dimple on his cheek. I’d miss the way he laughed and the way the sun lit up his hair. I’d miss his hands around my waist and in my hair and on my face.

He finally looked at me, an unspoken question in his brow.

I didn’t look away. I couldn’t when I had such little time left to look.

I wanted to tell him sweet sappy things that my past self would’ve torn me apart for even daring to think. I wanted to confess everything I’d kept locked in my heart since I first started to get to know Graham Brennin. I wanted to tell him how much I’d miss him, but as I opened my mouth, I felt the sting of tears. I couldn’t cry, not now, not when I needed to be as strong and level-headed as I’d ever been. So, instead, I lifted myhead, reluctantly turning my gaze out the window to the ocean, focusing on the steady rise and fall of the waves.

When we stoppedat the southwest shore, I took a deep breath and opened the carriage door, stepping out into the cool, salty breeze. The wind rolled through the long grass and the foam on the waves sparkled in the sunlight. Out in the distance, a boat marked the horizon.

My eye traveled to the shoreline where a nearby rowboat was beached on the sand.

I thought I caught movement along the distant rocky shore. I squinted, wondering if it might be Cait and Lachlan, but I was unable to find it again. The thought of them close by both comforted and scared me. I could imagine Cait stepping in if she didn’t like how things were going.

Cael descended from the driver seat, his jaw set and his eyes glinting with an emotion I couldn’t identify. It was something like his familiar loathing but with an even harder edge.

He addressed Graham and me. “You will comply with my every order. Remember that I have the power to make both of your lives miserable.”

I faced him, putting on a mask of indifference. “We want the same thing, so let’s just trust each other and get this over with.”

Cael scoffed. “Keep quiet, Enforcer. Your girlish voice will give you away.”

I glared but shut my mouth, effectively silenced just as he wanted.
