Page 120 of My Noble Disgrace

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“I had to keep you safe,” I said, my voice breaking. “Cael’s loyalty is your protection.”

“Lying to me doesn’t protect me. It blinds me! Can’t you see that?” he said.

I swallowed, feeling thoroughly chastised. “I think I do.”

“But,” said Graham, “After what he did to the hostages, I’m beginning to believe there’s more he’s done that you kept from me. Am I right?”

“Yes,” I said voicelessly, averting my eyes from his. “He’s the one who killed Pearce.”

Graham’s breath caught. “But the poison?—”

“It was from Cael. He said that if I wanted to find my father and make you king, I had to follow his orders.” I closed my eyes, remembering Pearce slumped on the floor as the paralysis setin. “Cael got to Pearce after we left. He gave him the rest of the brandy.”

“He told the entire city thatyoumurdered Pearce. He’s unbelievable,” said Graham. “How long have you known he was responsible?”

“Do you remember when you saw bruises on my neck?”

“I remember it well.” He ran a hand through his hair. “You need to tell this to the Academy. Mara, if you didn’t kill Pearce, then the truth is what will save you!”

“You really think so?” I said.

“You’re about to stand in the Assembly Hall to testify. I’d already hoped you’d speak against Cael for his violence against the outlaws, but now there’s even more reason to condemn him. They have to hear that he killed Pearce. And then, when it comes to my abduction, you can simply tell the truth—that you were tricked and manipulated by your father.”

“No,” I said. “I’mnottestifying against my father.”

“You have to if you want any chance of freedom!” said Graham. “Why won’t you speak against him after what he did to you? To us? You could absolve yourself!”

I backed away from Graham, preparing to tell him my final secret. “But I’m not innocent. Even if I’m able to clear myself of Cael’s accusations, there’s still one I can’t admit”—I lowered my voice in shame—“and it’s bad enough to get me executed.”

“Tell me,” said Graham. “Please.”

“I’m afraid,” I said, my voice so quiet I didn’t even know if he could hear me. “I’m so afraid of the truth.”

“You can trust me with it,” he said gently. “I know you’re not blameless, Mara, but I know who you are and who you strive to be. You’regood. I see it in you, even if you don’t.”

I swallowed, feeling queasy as I prepared to speak, but before I could, the door flew open, revealing a very tall woman.

“Hello, darlings!” she said enthusiastically.

“Oh!” Graham looked back abruptly. “My apologies, milady. I lost track of time.”

Madam Zenitha filled the doorway with a hefty bag in her arms.

“I’m sorry. I thought the door was locked,” Graham whispered. He had to still be curious about my near confession, but it would have to wait. He raised his voice. “I would make introductions, but I believe you two already know one another.”

I bowed to Zenitha, who curtsied back with a flourish.

“I feel so privileged to be here to help at a time like this,” she said. “We all know the Academy is much more likely to listen to a noblewoman who looks like a noblewoman,after all.”

“Thank you so much for attending us on such late notice,” Graham said, then turned to me. “I’ll be back for you.” He bowed to us both and left.

Zenitha opened her oversized bag and got to work immediately.

She dressedme in a crisp and sophisticated green dress. It had a high buttoned neckline and a collar with curling emerald embroidery reminiscent of the laurels the Immortals wore. I was sure it hadn’t been accidental. Zenitha did nothing without intention—the green was a subtle message, a signal to the Academy that I wasn’t so different from them.

She kept my face fresh, only applying enough makeup to make my eyes look a bit brighter and less tired.

Graham hadn’t known before stopping at Zenitha’s shop that she was the wigmaker who’d helped me before, but he’d assumed, from the wig I’d worn at the ball, and from my mustache, that I’d had help with my disguises. The fact thatZenitha was the one he approached was due simply to her reputation.
