Page 35 of My Noble Disgrace

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"Or what?" she asked.

"Or"—I sighed—"Save myself."

She stared steadily back at me, her eyes dark.

"And you, obviously,” I added.

“I never doubted that,” she said. “So, you’re not telling Keane?”

“I can’t. You heard the way he was talking. If we tell, his men will go in fully armed and itching for bloodshed. It could be far deadlier than if they’re simply ambushed.”

“And,” said Cait, “the crew will make a good distraction while we run.”

“That’s not my—” I started.

“Be honest,” she said. “You’ve thought of it.”

“Fine,” I said. “We’re selfishly saving ourselves, okay?”

"Not a very noble plan.” One side of her mouth turned up. "I like it."



Caitand I rummaged through the mess of supplies on deck and grabbed a couple of the orange vests we'd found earlier, as well as a second radio. Cait hadn't gotten a chance to learn to swim, so I hoped the vests would do the job. Even I was nervous about swimming that far in the dark, cold ocean.

As soon as my vest was on, I turned to starboard, heading for the ladder.

Keane stood in front of it, stopping me in my guilty-looking tracks.

I startled, trying not to show it.”

“Trying out those, uh, what're they called"—he squinted at the writing across my vest—"flotation devices? You know we're takin' the fishing boat, right? Why don't you just hop in?"

"Um, actually . . ." I searched for a lie, my freedom depending on it. "With you and your men aboard, that tiny thing's gonna be over its capacity. I feel safer meeting you at shore."

He raised an eyebrow. "Really? Water's gonna be brutal cold."

I smiled, feigning confidence. "Really. We'll be fine."

"Both of you?" he asked, noticing Cait across the deck wearing her vest, a hint of his noble accent surfacing as it did when he seemed caught off guard.

“Don’t worry,” I said. “We’ll be fine.”

Cait looked perfectly unfazed and un-guilty as she waved a casual goodbye to Keane and unfurled the rope ladder over the gunwale.

“Fine. But take a radio,” he said. “Keep the dial on channel X. The men staying with the boat will do the same. Just in case.”

“Will do,” I said, thanking him, but what I really wanted was to warn him.

"Well then, see you on Cambria!" said Keane.

I forced a smile. "They won't know what hit 'em."

A grin filled his face. "Let's take this city.”

I kept the smile pasted on until he turned away. Once he did, I darted to the weapon barrel, then reached inside and pulled out a couple of sheathed knives, the only weapon that I felt comfortable wielding, and tucked them into a burlap sack I found on board, tying it to the straps of my vest.
