Page 64 of My Noble Disgrace

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“Oh, trust me, I know, darlings,” she said, her bright lips turning upward in a playful half-smile. “Hold your compliments for another day. I feel far too beautiful to need them now.”

We started for the front door.

“Wait,” said Zenitha, brandishing two rank cards. “I had no time to make new ones, so they have the right hair colors, but the rest of the descriptions aren’t reliable. However, I don’t expect anyone will look too closely considering how finely the two of you are dressed. Lady Fitzroy,” she said as she handed Cait acard and turned to me. “And Lady Ashford. Remember who you are.”

I took the card and thanked her, so grateful for all she’d done for us.

We left the shop and showed our cards to the driver.

“Careful tonight, ladies,” he said, giving only a passing glance at our cards. “A body has been found and I suspect it’s due to outlaws. If the city has been infiltrated, the ball would be a prime target.”

I fanned myself with my hands while Cait feigned horror.

Zenitha didn’t have to pretend. “A body? How awful!”

“Perhaps we shouldn’t attend the ball after all,” I said, my desperation to avoid confronting Pearce overtaking me.

“I wouldn’t gothatfar.” Zenitha’s tone snapped back to practical. “I’m sure they’ll increase security if there are any fears of violence.”

The driver nodded. “Certainly. I’m sure Sir Brennin has become quite cautious in the wake of his abduction.”

I tried to keep my face entirely neutral while we climbed into the carriage.

I took a seat and breathed, trying to prepare myself for what was to come tonight, but the discovery of my accidental crime had completely unnerved me. Ireallydidn’t feel in the mood to murder anyone tonight.

The carriage took us through the city streets in the waning twilight. I willed it to last longer, to keep us from moving closer to the inevitable, but time ticked forward, as it always did, without a care in the world for me and my feelings.

When the horse’s trot slowed to a stop, the driver opened the door, revealing the grand mansion of the Second House. Torches and enormous urns of bouquets lined the walkway from the gates all the way to the double doors at the pinnacle of the stone steps. Though I’d been here for an event before, it had beenfor the king’s funeral, so there had been a degree of restraint exercised.

This time, there was none. I couldn’t imagine the effort and expense. Surely Maeve Brennin still saw her line as the royal family, whether or not everyone else agreed. Or maybe this was all part of Cael’s plot to make everyone believe in the superiority of the Brennins over the Byrnes. He did say he’d arranged the ball.

I lifted my voluminous plum skirts and descended to the cobblestones.

Instead of the typical two, six Enforcers guarded the gates, their faces solemn despite the humming energy of the occasion. I didn’t have to wonder why. I fumbled with my rank card as I showed it to the men, keeping my face downcast, hoping I’d look shy instead of suspicious.

The guards nodded and opened the gates, the polished metal shimmering in the light as if intended to awe, like every other feature of the ball. The brilliant house beckoned to us, the path drawing us forward.

Graham was in there. I wouldn’t be able to talk to him or get near him, but just catching a glimpse might give me just a little bit of peace.

Either that or it would torture me.

Even while standing there soaking in the gloss and glamour, I hadn’t stopped thinking about the reason I had come. It was already destroying me.



As we passedthrough the threshold, we were transported into a vibrant noble world I’d avoided for my entire life.

Elegant orchestral music filled the home. I couldn’t yet see where it originated from, but the plaintive sigh of a bow being drawn across violin strings penetrated straight into my heart. I so rarely heard music that I forgot the power it had. I closed my eyes for a few breaths and let it pull me in.

Zenitha was off and greeting the crowd before I’d taken ten steps.

“Time for me to embark on my own mission,” whispered Cait.

“Good luck.” I forced a smile. “Lachlan will die of joy when he sees you.”

“Then we’ll both leave as killers tonight,” she said with a wink.

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