Page 98 of My Noble Disgrace

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My stomach churned and I thought I’d be sick. I wanted to get out of here.

“So.” Vaughn’s voice came through the radio. “You’ll leave an entire boat of outlaws free if we return to Cambria and give back our hostage and weapons?”

“That’s what they say,” said Keane, looking between me and Cael with a slight question in his voice.

“I’m in,” said Vaughn after a brief pause. “We’re about a day away from Cambria. We can be there by tomorrow afternoon.”

“Thank you, Vaughn,” said Keane with genuine relief.

Cael switched off the radio.

Keane addressed me and Cael. “I hope you’re men—sorry, Blondie—peopleof your word.”

“I owe you,” I said. “You’ve saved me more than once.” My own words tasted bitter on my tongue, adding to my nausea. I could hardly bear to stand here lying to him. Lying shouldn’t hurt this much, but I was starting to develop an aversion to it and it seemed the truth wanted freedom as much as I did.

When the guard unlocked the door to let us out, I almost ran. If I stayed any longer, I was afraid my conscience would force me to come clean.

I really was working with the devil.

I didn’t speakuntil we climbed into the carriage outside the prison. I couldn’t trust my stomach to keep itself contained if my mouth opened.

Cael sat across from me, his gaze distant as he looked out the window

I pulled my curtain shut, wishing I could remain hidden and unseen. I should’ve been enjoying whatever half-hearted success I had, but there was still too much to worry about. Now was the time to be crafty and use Cael like I’d never used him before. I needed to say whatever was necessary to get into the arsenal, or this betrayal would be for nothing.

“We should get more firepower,” I said. “We can’t trust those men to comply peacefully, not with the guns they have on board.”

Cael didn’t look at me. “I’m taking care of it.”

“Aren’t we close to the Academy?” I asked. “Why not get them now and save some time?”

This time he did look at me. “I’m taking you back to my grounds. Every moment you’re with me is a liability.”

“This disguise is almost foolproof,” I said, “as long as I don’t speak.”

“You always speak,” he said. “And my reputation is my most precious resource. It’s a miracle I kept it unsullied when you were found to be a traitor and conspirator—which, by the way, happened precisely because you were recognized.”

“By Patrick Donovan, I know.”

“Yes,” he said, “Though if you’d stayed, I think he would’ve been willing to stay silent for a piece of your power. He thought he recognized you at the king’s funeral, but he kept it to himself at first. Only when you disappeared and Maeve was blamed for your murder did he step forward to protect his aunt.

“And then”—Cael laughed bitterly—“when I found out you’d tried to ally with her, I almost admired the sheer boldness of using the woman’s grief and desperation to get what you wanted. Your manipulation would’ve been impressive if you’d kept the crown secure while you were at it, but you gave up your power the moment you decided Brennin should have it instead.”

“It was never mine to take,” I said.

“Wrong,” said Cael. “Power is for the taking. The strongest deserve it and the people deserve the strongest. There was a time I thought you understood that. Of course, you turned out not to be the strongest.”

“Do you believe Graham is the strongest?” I asked.

Cael laughed as if I’d told a joke. “Not remotely. But his abduction has made him popular with the people, oddly enough. More importantly, he listens to me better than you ever did.”

“Because you’re blackmailing him,” I stated.

Cael shrugged. “Submitting to power is just within his nature. He’s dutiful, trusting, and easy to manipulate—the very reasons you were able to get him to leave with you.”

I wanted to stand up for Graham, but it was better if Cael saw him this way, so I bit my tongue. What he said may have been true once, but not now. Graham was stronger than Cael knew, and I was sure of it.

“Perhaps I should thank you,” said Cael. “You paved my path to him, after all. If I thought I stood a chance of being First Immortal with a Brennin on the throne, I would’ve poisoned Cardiff Pearce long ago.”
