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“What?” I blink a couple of times because I think that’s possibly the first time I’ve ever heard my mother swear in my life.

“It’s commendable that you want to respect her wishes, but she wants you to fight for her.”

“How can you know that? You don’t even know her.”

“Women all over the world are the same. We want our men to want us enough to fight for us. Even if I’m wrong, what do you have to lose? If you try and she really doesn’t want you, with time it will be clear. I think right now she’s acting from a place of hurt. You have to make her see past that, and you do that by making it clear that you want her; that you want a life with her and with your child.”

“You really think that will work?”

She shrugs. “It’s worth a try. As it is, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If I were in your position, I would definitely go all out to show her how much she means to me.”

“I don’t know…”

“Well, the choice is yours. You need to decide whether this is important to you or not. You have to ask yourself if you’re okay with giving up this easily when you can actually still do something about it.”

She gets up and walks over to me, kisses me on the forehead and heads off to bed.

Hope has been a dangerous thing for me recently. I haven’t allowed myself to feel it because I don’t think I could survive it if I let myself dream and then those dreams don’t come true. However, I’m optimistic at Mom’s words.

I don’t think even if I tried, I could keep myself from fighting for Paige.

So here I go.

It’s beentwo weeks since I’ve been back from Texas. After Mom and I talked, I’ve spent the past two weeks doing everything I can to be around Paige.

The next time I try to convince her to take me back, I want the awkwardness between the both of us to be gone, and the only way to do that is with exposure. So I’ve taken every opportunity to work with or near her so she’ll get used to me being around again.

I think it’s been working because initially we could barely even look at each other, but now it almost feels like it used to. Of course, without the romance. I would say we have a tentative friendship, but that isn’t enough. I want Paige and me to be much much more than friends.

I am talking to Molly, one of Paige's designers at her desk in the designers’ room. She is showing me one of her drawings when Paige walks up to the both of us.

“Travis, can I please see you in my office?” Without another word she turns around and starts walking away. So I follow.

Once we are in her office with the door securely closed behind us, she spins on me. “Can you please stop flirting with Molly?”

“What?” My brow creases.

“You and Molly have been flirting with each other for a while now. Although we aren’t together, can you please cut it out?”

“What are you talking about? I haven’t been flirting with Molly.”

“Really? The both of you have been working very closely together as of late. Also the way you were just leaning over her desk, invading her personal space, you expect me tobelieve that’s innocent? And Molly is eating it up. She’s clearly interested in you.”

“And how do you know this?”

She throws her hands up. “Please, the whole office knows. Ever since you got here she hasn’t been able to shut up about how hot she thinks you are.”

This is news to me. I’ve only been working with Molly because it has thrown me in Paige’s path.

“I don’t know anything about how Molly feels about me, but I promise I haven’t been flirting with her. I am still in love with you.” I take a step toward her and she takes a step back. “And even if I were flirting with Molly, why do you care? You’re the one who said you don’t want to be with me.”

“I said it would be a bad idea for us to continue seeing each other, not that my feelings for you have disappeared. I’m just asking you to take it slow until we’ve both moved on.”

“You don’t have to tell me any of this. I wasn’t flirting with Molly, and I wouldn’t disrespect you like that.”

Paige looks down, kicking the carpet beneath her with her heel. “Well, thank you.”

I smile then turn and leave her office.
