Page 10 of Rise of the Warlock

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“Don’t push me,” I warn as I take her upper arm and start guiding her out of the store and towards the SUV. The thought of any male ever touching her has me wanting to claw at the faceless being. She is mine!


I let Trek guide me to the vehicle, the anger that was consuming me before I stepped out of the SUV now completely gone. Is it my imagination or is Trek jealous? Sliding into the vehicle I smile when Trek bangs the door shut.

“Is he always like that?” Jinx asks.

The smile vanishes when I remember Jinx, turning my head I shrug. I don’t want to talk to her about Trek, as a matter of fact if I could help it, I wouldn’t even be in the same vehicle as her, but for now I will have to endure it as I know that she is important to our cause.

Trek slides into the passenger side which stops any further comments from Jinx. I look over at him and feel myself smile as I remember his jealous attitude in the store. Is it possible that he has feelings for me? I understand him being protective as that is his job, but that doesn’t include him not liking me being near other men.

My smile widens as a plan starts to form, there is only one way to find out if he in fact likes me or if I am imagining things. I know that things are crazy at the moment, and I should think on how to defeat this evil that is threatening all of us instead of having my mind occupied with Trek all the time, but if I can find out the truth, than I can concentrate on more pressing matters.

I shake my head, who am I trying to convince? There is no way that I could possibly think of anything else if I knew that Trek really liked me.

“What the…” my thoughts come to an abrupt stop when I hear Darius grunt. Looking out my window I frown when I see smokebillowing from our property. My heart starts to race, did they get attacked again?

“Is that where you were taking me?” Jinx asks as she too is looking towards where our property is situated.

“Yes” I reply.

“What the hell is going on, why don’t you just tell me already?” she asks as she turns her head from where she was peering out at the ragging fire. “There is clearly a threat, it attacked us at the Covenant and now here.”

“My parents will explain,” I say not wanting to give too much away until we know that Jinx is not involved in this ploy. I see her angry expression, but I don’t give in as we need to make sure that we catch the responsible being that is attacking us from the shadows.

Darius brings the SUV to a stop at the main gates, we can see the staff and guards running about trying to save things from the fire. Some are using their magic and others are just rushing out with arm full of items. I jump out of the vehicle hearing Trek shout my name, I ignore his roar of anger as I run up the driveway towards the mansion.

I am a few feet from the entrance when I am lifted off the ground, strong arms around my waist as they pull me against a hard chest. I know without looking that its Trek’s arms around me, there is no one else that would dare touch me like this. “Let me go,” I shout trying to get free.

“No,” he roars over the sound of the shouting and the fire.

“Everyone get back,” I turn my head to see Dad standing behind mom as she raises her arms to try and stop this fire. My body goes limp in Trek’s arms as I see that they are fine, I glancearound looking for Dream and Love among all the beings and find Dream in the far corner wrapped in Drez’s arms.

I am pleased to know that she has Drez in her life, that she has found her destiny in his arms. I continue scanning the area tensing when I don’t see Love or Beast. “I can’t see Love,” I murmur, but Trek hears me.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure she’s around somewhere.” He states, “with everyone rushing around it’s hard to see everyone.”

I know he’s right, but it still worries me when I can’t see her, looking back at mom I see Jinx is now standing next to her also helping in trying to stop the fire. “Let go, I need to go help” Trek’s arms tighten for a few seconds but then he is releasing me.

As soon as my feet touch the ground I am running towards where Mom and Jinx are standing with Dad standing behind them like a guardian angel. “How can I help?” I ask looking at both women concentrated in their magic.

“Get your sisters, we need to mask the fire so that the humans don’t come here.” Dad orders as he continues to stand guard behind Mom. He still seems slightly ill, but I know that he won’t budge while everyone is in danger.

“Okay, don’t worry,” I reply already rushing towards where I saw Dream.

“Hope,” Dream calls when I approach, “you are back.” I can see relief stamped on her features at seeing me. We are five sisters, all very different in our ways, our powers also vary but we are very close.

“Yes, are you okay?” I ask as my gaze scans up and down her body to make sure that she isn’t hurt.

“I’m fine,” she murmurs as she steps away from Drez to stand before me.

“Dad asked that we mask what is happening here so that the humans don’t get involved,” I explain my reason for approaching her. “Do you know where Love is?” I ask as I still can’t locate her.

Dream shakes her head, “I haven’t seen her since before the fire started,” she replies, “should we go look for her?”

“We don’t have time; we need to do this now or the fire will call attention to us.” I answer still uneasy about not finding Love. I take Dreams hand and see her close her eyes to start chanting, I follow suit with the mantra required to build a cover around the whole property. It would have been easier if all my sisters were here, but seeing it’s only the two of us it will take longer but we will manage.

“Cloak of light, obscure all within your protection,”
