Page 149 of Dirty Plans

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Lily approaches the box, finds it, and picks it up so delicately. Hesitating for just a moment, her gaze sweeping between her friends before she opens it.

Even from here, I almost laugh out loud at the slight confusion on her face—because the box is empty.

With an exasperated sigh, she drops it to her side and turns her back to where I’m hiding so she can look over the space again.


Stepping out of my hiding spot, I drop to one knee, holding up the ring, and wait.

Quinn clutches Tasia closer and bites his lip, trying desperately to be quiet.

When Lily spins around again, only to find me waiting there, she gasps.

God, I love that sound.

"This," I say, my voice shaking more than I’d like, "is the stolen treasure you seek. But it only becomes priceless when you say yes."

She drops the box, pressing her fingertips to her lips. Her eyes shimmer with tears, and for a moment, we're the only two people on this rooftop, hell, in thisentire universe.

Her soft "yes" as she reaches out to pull me to my feet is the only thing I need to hear.

The entire rooftop bursts into applause and the background sounds of muffled cheers and laughter can be heard all around us. I pull Lily into my arms, pressing my forehead against hers.

"Got you," I whisper, a smirk playing on my lips.

She chuckles, tears spilling from her eyes, and replies, “Always.”

From the corner of my eye, Cal and the others raise their glasses for a toast.

Quinn, ever the dramatic one, stands on a chair and clears his throat, drawing attention with a flourish. "To London and Lily, may your journey ahead be as adventurous, unpredictable, and full of love as the path that brought you here tonight. But if he ever leaves you unsatisfied, you know we have you covered at Dirty Deeds. The Enigma will be waiting to show you that glimpse of Heaven.” He winks at us both.

I shake my head, snickering under my breath.

Leaning in close, I whisper beside her ear, “You’ll never have to worry about that.”

She inhales sharply and bites her lip.

Glasses clink, laughter fills the air, and ourengagement partytruly begins. Music pumps louder, and people begin to dance, but Lily and I stay wrapped up in each other, swaying to our own rhythm.

As the night goes on, the rooftop starts to empty out, leaving just a few stragglers, lost in deep conversation or asleep nestled amidst the cushions or chairs. The twinkle lights continue to shimmer, casting a soft glow over everything.

Lily and I sit by the fire, her head on my shoulder, and my arm around her. We watch the first light of dawn paint the sky in hues of pink and gold.

“This feels like a dream. I can’t believe I get to spend the rest of my life with you,” she murmurs, tracing patterns on my hand.

I nod, smiling down at her. "And a lifetime isn't nearly enough time for all the adventures I want to have with you."

She leans in, capturing my lips in a soft, lingering kiss. And as the sun rises over the city, marking the beginning of a brand new day, I know without a doubt, we’re both looking forward to the countless tomorrows we'll share, side by side.
