Page 27 of Strictly Business

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"You love me," he retorts, confident.

"Barely," I quip.

"You do."

"Maybe on Thursdays and every other Sunday. But today's not your day, Talon," I tease, trying to deflect the conversation from Reece.

His laughter fills the air. "Imagine if you became my sister-in-law. How cool would that be?"

"That will never happen, Talon,” I reply, half-heartedly.

“Never say never,Sis."

Our banter is interrupted as Mr. and Mrs. Forrester approach, accompanied by a man I don't recognize. "Happy New Year, Talon! Genesis!" they exclaim, drawing us both into their familial warmth.

"Happy New Year, Mom and Dad," Talon greets them with a grin. He fakes introducing me. "Thisis Genesis Jones.Rememberher—my best friend from school."

"Oh, stop, Talon. As if they'd forget me just because I missed Christmas dinner. It's only been a week." I laugh along with them.

Rachael embraces me warmly. "Don't pay him any attention, Genesis. We assumed you were spending time with family for Christmas, and we're glad you're here tonight."

Mr. Forrester adds his greeting with a kiss on my cheek. "Lovely to see you, Genesis. We're eagerly awaiting your article on Knox."

"I submitted it to Robyn right after Christmas. It should be ready for the January issue. I'm excited about it," I reply, sounding as professional as possible.

The Forresters exchange a glance that doesn't escape me or Talon. Rachael then comments, "Hmm, yes, about Robyn... We will revisit handling these articles in the new year, but for now, let's enjoy the party."

Talon jumps in, trying to defuse the tension. "Come on, Mom. It's New Year's, a time to party, not talk shop."

Mr. Forrester calms the situation with a gentle hand on his wife's back. "Yes, work can wait, dear."

But Rachael isn't quite done. I did want to introduce Genesis informally to some of the men she'll be interviewing this year.

I exchange a worried glance with Talon. What did that mean for Robyn, especially after they read the article revealing Knox's true feelings for her? My mind races with possibilities, none of them particularly comforting.

As the man with them turns to face me, his tall stature and broad build, reminiscent of a rugged lumberjack, are sharply contrasted by his impeccably styled business casual attire. Every detail screams wealth and sophistication from his tailored blazer to his crisply pressed pants. His reddish-brown hair, styled to perfection, accentuates his almost translucent pale skin, while his deep amber eyes exude warmth and intelligence. His gaze sweeps over me, a small grin gracing his features, partially hidden by a well-groomed beard that adds to his distinguished look.

“Genesis Jones, allow me to introduce you to Gregor McAllen, ourMr. February,” Rachael announces with evident pride.

The moment she mentions his name, it clicks. Gregor McAllen isn't just a random guest; he's a well-known figure frequently featured in fashion magazines. And then it dawns on me—he's the face behindMcAllen Beauty, a brand I'm quite familiar with.

"McAllen Beauty," I articulate, connecting the dots and extending my hand for a handshake. His subtle smile widens, acknowledging the recognition.

"It seems my reputation precedes me. Please, call me 'Greg,' Ms. Jones. It's a pleasure to meet you, and I’m looking forward to our upcoming conversations," he replies warmly.

"The pleasure is all mine, Greg. I’m a fan of your beauty line. I own several of your products. It will be a delight to interview you for our February edition," I respond with genuine enthusiasm. "I’ll coordinate with your office to set up our meeting. And you can call me 'Genesis,' or 'Gen,' that’s perfectly fine."

"Our main office is based in New York, but we're launching a new brand in Scotland, my family’s homeland. There might be an opportunity for us to travel there. You could see our photo shoot in action," Greg suggests, opening up an intriguing possibility.

Before I have a chance to fully digest the idea of traveling to Scotland, Reece suddenly appears, joining the conversation with unexpected urgency.

“Greg, great to see you again,” he interjects, extending his hand in greeting.

“Reece, it's been too long. How are you, man? We need to catch up,” Greg responds, his smile still friendly and warm.

Feeling the tension emanating from Reece, I can't help but think about the potential implications for the coming year. His presence in this conversation indicates a protective, almost territorial stance.

Rachael, seizing the moment, dives right in. “Reece, did you know Gregor is our Mr. February? I was introducing him to Genesis. They’re going to be working closely together. Gregor even suggested they could do part of the interview in Scotland. How exciting is that?”
