Page 29 of Strictly Business

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But I'm quicker. I grab her wrist, spinning her so her back presses against my front. She can feel my hardening dick through the thin fabric of her dress. "That,Genny—feel what you do to me? If you weremine, you wouldn't be out here, dressed likethis, givinganyother man this sort of torment."

I turn her back to face me, but a stinging slap across my face quickly replaces the heat from her body. We're both stunned—well, at least I am. I catch my breath, fixing my gaze on her.

"Then I guess it's damn good I'm notyours, huh?" Her voice is a mix of frustration and hurt.

She tries to leave, hindered by her dress and heels. I follow her, my ego bruised more than my face. I know I was out of line. I have no right to talk to her like that. I try to reign in my emotions before speaking again.

"Yet!" I call out, and her steps falter. I catch up, cupping her elbow to prevent her from tripping. "You're not mineyet, Genesis."

"Don't touch me or speak to me like that, Reece! We were supposed to have a civilized conversation, remember? You were so rude inside; I thought bringing you out here would cool you off, but I see I was wrong!"

She wraps her arms around herself, a clear sign she's cold. Reacting instinctively, I slip off my jacket and drape it over her shoulders. I feel the eyes of the other lingering partygoers outside on us, stirring a wave of embarrassment within me.

"Let's get away from here. We don't need to cause any more of a scene," I whisper, my fingers gently rubbing her arms through the sleeves of my suit jacket. She hesitates, undoubtedly aware of where I intend to take her—back to where everything began, by the pool behind this house. But her fear of getting too cold seems to overpower her reluctance to be alone with me in the secluded pool house.

"Fine," Genesis relents, though her tone is still laced with irritation. Her compliance, however, doesn't ease the tension that crackles between us. The walk to the pool house is silent, each step charged with unspoken words and unresolved feelings.

As we reach the back of the house, the memories of our first encounter here flood back. The pool house, a sanctuary of sorts, where passion first ignited between us, now stands as a reminder of the complexities that weave through our relationship—or lack thereof.

"Genesis," I start, my voice softer now, realizing the need to tread carefully. "I know I've been overbearing, and I'm sorry. But seeing you with McAllen, knowing other men might..." I trail off, struggling to articulate the frustration and jealousy that's been eating at me.

She turns to face me, the jacket I draped over her shoulders providing little protection against the emotions that swirl around us. "Reece, this isn't just about jealousy or possession. You can't just barge into my professional life and make decisions for me. I'm more than just an object or your plaything."

Her words strike a chord, and I feel a pang of guilt. "You're right. I crossed a line, and I'm sorry. It's hard to separate my feelings for you from everything else. I've never felt this way about anyone, Genesis."

She looks at me, her eyes searching for sincerity. "I understand, Reece. But we can't let this...whatever this is...overshadow everything else. We have to be careful, especially with your family and the company."

I nod, understanding the weight of her words. "I know. But it's hard, Genesis. Every moment I'm not with you, I'm thinking about you. And when I am with you, everything else fades away."

She steps closer, her body language softening. "I know, Reece. I feel the same. But we can't lose ourselves in this. We need to find a balance."

I reach out, tentatively taking her hand. "Can we at least try? To find that balance together?"

She squeezes my hand, a small smile tugging at her lips. "We can try, Reece. But we have to be smart about this. We're walking a fine line."

I pull her into an embrace, the warmth of her body against mine offering a sense of peace amidst the chaos of our emotions. "I'll do whatever it takes, Genesis. I want you in my life, in whatever way we can manage."



We stand in the shadows of the pool house, a scene that takes me back ten years, our bodies pressed close, our eyes searching for something unknown in each other. The situation now is different, yet similar. His breath is warm against my face as he leans in, and his large hand cups my face, gently tilting it toward his.

“Tell me, Genesis,” he breathes, so close to me.

“Tell you what?” I challenge softly, my voice barely above a whisper.

“What you're doing to me?”

“I’m not doing anything. This is supposed to be just business,” I say, but even I can hear the uncertainty in my voice.

“My ass it is,” he cuts in sharply. Then his lips find mine, unleashing the sensation I’ve been denying myself since Christmas Eve. A moan escapes me, vibrating through us both. Without effort, he lifts me onto the kitchen island, stepping between my parted legs. The déjà vu is overwhelming, and I crave much more.

His touch sets off a fire within me, burning away any remaining control. The taste of him, mingled with the long-simmering desire, pushes me to the brink. Our kiss deepens, growing more urgent, more desperate.

His hands explore my body, claiming every inch of skin. My fingers weave into his dark hair, pulling him nearer as another moan slips from my lips. The kitchen island becomes a place where time pauses, and nothing exists but this intense connection.

"Is that why you have been acting like this?" I inquire, noticing his hands slowly making their way up my thigh, under my dress, toward a spot that craves his touch.
