Page 36 of Phoenix Chosen

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We sit by ourselves by the wall. Alyx curls up on a pillow and watches as we eat.

“So, are you permanently a cat?” Airos casually asks him as he bites into a chicken drumstick.

“No,” Alyx says. He’s facing away from the librarians so they can’t see him talking.

“Don’t you want to eat?” I ask him.

“I’ve grown accustomed to taking small meals. It’s much easier this way, and there’s no danger of being discovered.”

Airos nods. “Very intriguing ability. Very useful.”

“What are your Phoenix powers, Airos?” I ask excitedly.

He smiles at me. “Care to take a guess?”

“He has the power of flatulence,” Kalistratos says, laughing. “Boom. Causes a rockslide.”

“I do not,” Airos says.

I give it some thought.

“Earth,” I say. “You can manipulate earth and soil.”

Airos nods. He doesn’t seem surprised that I was able to tell. “This all but confirms my suspicions. You’re special, Tyler.”

“I think we’re all aware of that,” Kalistratos says.

“But are you aware of why? I’ve been thinking about it since you told me your story, Tyler. I think you’re the Great Phoenix’s Chosen.”

“Great Phoenix’s Chosen?” I ask, and I look at Kalistratos. He shakes his head—he doesn’t know anything about it.

“There was a scroll I discovered in my search for knowledge of Phoenikos lore. A partial fragment, it’d been burned long ago.” Airos leans forward and waves his palm. Green light sparkles in the darkness in front of him and forms an image that reminds me of one of those paintings from the inside of the Egyptian pyramids, like an unfolding story mural. “A spirit reincarnated with the Great Phoenix’s flame of destiny, brought from the star realm to our world.”

A figure descends from the stars, and three flames swirl around the like orbiting planets.

“What is that?” I ask.

“The Guardians of Fate meant to protect you, ” he says. “At least…I think. The scroll ends there.”

“Protect him from what?” Kalistratos asks.

“I don’t know. I’m sort of filling in the blanks…”

Kalistratos throws his hands into the air. “What the hell! You can’t just tell a story like that and leave it on a cliffhanger. This explains nothing. We still don’t know why Tyler is pregnant.”

“It does explain something.” I point to the three flames flickering around the omega. “We’re meant to be together.”

The three of them look at me and then look at each other.

“Fated comrades,” Airos says, taking my hand. “Meant to protect you. This is a purpose I can get behind.”

Kalistratos frowns. “Pheh. I’m here to find the Great Phoenix. It just so happens we’ve been put on the same path.”

Alyx licks his paw. “When it comes to the Great Phoenix, nothing is ever?—"

“A coincidence, yeah I know,” Kalistratos finishes. “Look, I’m not here for the comradery. Even Alyx and I will go our separate ways once we get our answers.”

“Well, I believe you’re right,” Airos says. “You and I are meant to be together.”
