Page 46 of Phoenix Chosen

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We all look at him. Airos waves his hand again and the runes freeze.

“You can understand this?” Alyx asks, placing his paw on the parchment.

“Not completely, some words are scrambled up. But some...” He points. “Follow. Through. Mountain. Reborn. Nothing makes sense, though. It’s all just random.”

“This is good,” says Airos. “I just need to find the right combination of spells. We shall keep trying.”

We all return to our rooms. Alyx has chosen to sleep somewhere else, probably near the book rooms where he can eavesdrop on the librarians. I’ve not spoken to him about Tyler, but there is no need. I know he knows.

I stretch onto the bed, hands wound behind my head.After so many years of searching for the temple, it feels strange to be so suddenly faced with the possibility that I may actually find it. But it’s not easy to believe that this journey will have an end. That I might soon have my answers. Maybe I was on this road because I believed it would never end.

Not there yet, though, not as long as Tyler is with me.

He writhes under my touch, his pregnant belly rising with his cry. My fingers plunge deep into his warm wetness as I stroke his taut member coated in his arousal. His moans are sweet to my ears, and they intensify every time I curl into him, massaging a certain spot with my fingertips. We’re learning together, exploring and discovering the pleasures of his omega body. He tells me that everything feels like a tenfold increase in what he’s used to. He loves seeing how wet I make him, and he seems as amazed as I am at the long threads of slick that drip from my fingers when I pull them out of him.

I wrap my lips around his cock and savor his flavor. There’s truly nothing else like it. I’m eager to taste his finish, and I growl with pleasure as I suck him down and watch as his face contorts into a look that only I have the privilege of witnessing. And after he climaxes, he lies there panting for breath, squirming and twitching as the last moments of his finish surge throughhim.

I want to finally be inside of him, to claim him. But he stops me again, placing his exhausted hand on my hip as I hover my growing erection above his.

“What are you nervous about?” I ask, lying beside him.

“I just want to treasure this,” he says.

“So do I. I want you.”

He places his forehead against mine. “I promise you nothing makes me happier than hearing you say that. And trust me, I’m fucking dying for you to pound the hell me.”

I laugh. “Is that so?”

“Oh yeah. I want to take that cock of yours inside of me so badly. But I just…”

“Need time,” I say. “I understand.”

“And we have all the time in the world,” he says.

“And more,” I reply, kissing him.

Something stirs me from my sleep, like a vibration in the darkness of my empty dream. I’m alert, up in the bed, and I reach for the knife I keep tucked against the frame. The room is dark, except for a line of moonlight across thefloor from the door, which is partially open. I quickly realize Tyler is no longer in bed with me. I touch the mattress—it’s still warm. His sandals are on the floor.

I rise and tuck the knife into my belt and quietly leave the room.

“Tyler?” I say. “Are you there?”

My intuition tells me that he’s close, that he just walked out a few moments ago. I follow where my instinct leads me, walking around the courtyard to the stairs going up to the roof. I stop, listen, and hear footsteps on the wood above me. I head up the stairwell and come out onto the terrace.

My heart almost stops.

Tyler is standing up on the railing, his back to me.

“Tyler!” I shout.

He turns his head and looks, but it’s like he doesn’t see me. His eyes are unfocused, like he’s still asleep. He faces away again. The way he’s standing on the railing looks like he’s waiting at the foot of a doorway. Like he’s going to?—

His leg swings out to take a step out onto a floor that isn’t there. I bolt forward, unleashing the phoenix fire burning in my chest. The invisible force tears out like a hurricane, arresting everything it consumes. The world goes silent. Tyler is hanging over the edge, his hair lifted and frozen mid-fall. I hook my arms under his and pull himback, and he falls backward onto me on the terrace as time regains its pace.

Tyler looks at me in confused shock. “Kalistratos?” he asks. “You’re here.”

“What in the name of the gods were you doing?” I say, grabbing his shoulders. “You nearly jumped off the roof!”
