Page 32 of Dirty Secret Love

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After two daysof waking up with Sutton’s soft form nestled against mine, doubt creeps in, uninvited. How will I convince her to let this continue? Fake fiancé with benefits has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?

The thought of sounding desperate unsettles me. The irony doesn’t escape me. These are some of the best days I’ve ever lived, and I’m grappling with the unfamiliar territory of vulnerability and feelings. Maybe I should reach out to Elle. She knows a lot more about relationships than me—a lot more.

Okay, I have to admit that I’m ignorant when it comes to the matters of the heart, but I’m willing to learn. I’m not saying that I’m ready for forever, but I’m willing to see what can happen between my sexy librarian and me.

I glance at her. The soft light filters through the curtains, highlighting the curve of Sutton’s cheek. Her eyelids flutter open, revealing those mesmerizing eyes that seem to pierce right through me.

“Are you watching me sleep?” she murmurs with a raspy voice that stirs my dick and makes it harder. So much for trying to calm the fuck down, so she doesn’t think I want to fuck her—again.

I chuckle, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. “It’s hard to do much else when you’ve decided I double as your personal pillow.”

She smiles, and that mischievous twinkle in her eye I’ve grown fond of sparkles. Gently, her fingers dance across the inked patterns on my chest, sending a jolt of warmth through me. “You’re surprisingly comfy for someone with so much”—her hand trails almost to my groin and she stops, giving me a devious smile—”artwork and muscle on display. Is this like a thing you guys do to bond, get tattoos?”

My brows knitting in confusion. “Who’s you guys?”

“You and your brothers,” she clarifies, her fingers still tracing my tattoos, her touch featherlight, yet burning into my skin.

A sigh escapes me. “My brothers and me? Bonding isn’t really our thing. We barely have conversations with more than two words.” Yet, deep down, I know that’s not entirely true anymore. Heartwood Lake has brought a lot of changes in our dynamics, changes I’m still trying to understand.

She continues tracing one of the tattoos with a thoughtful expression. “Well, even Drake has a ton of tattoos on his arms—you all seem to really like them, huh?”

I don’t know how to feel about her looking at my brothers, but I focus on my tattoos. “Perhaps. But it’s more of a personal expression, though at first, I got them to piss off my father. He hated how I was destroying my skin and looking like a lowlife. Now it’s because I really like them.”

She plants kisses on my chest. “Well, I can tell you that you look pretty with them.”

“That’s not what I hoped someone would say when I chose them,” I say unamused.

“What was on your mind when you did it?” she murmurs, her hair cascading over one shoulder as she shifts, settling atop me. The warmth of her skin against mine ramps up with anticipation, causing my breath to quicken.

I’m not sure what’s happening exactly. Is she just going to mount me? I like her a lot and sex with her has been out of this world, but I don’t think I’m ready to go bare with her. I’ve never done that. It’s too … well, too intimate.

Noticing my unease, her fingers brush against the nightstand, retrieving a condom. With a teasing glint in her eyes, she takes a moment before she dexterously rolls it on my length. That simple act and the sly smile on her face have my heart racing even more. I’m about to come right in this moment. That’s the power she has over me and we’ve only just gotten acquainted. Is she some kind of witch who’s placed a hex on me? Or . . . why does my body react this way to her?

Not only my body, but my mind and maybe even my soul. They’re all getting tangled in something I’m not sure I’m ready to handle.

“Have I ever told you how incredibly sexy you look? Maybe we should put your hair up and add some glasses to this scenario,” I suggest, trying to lighten my mood. I want to make this less . . . intense. “Like something straight out of a librarian fantasy.”

Her lips curve in a playful smirk as she starts lowering herself, filling her pussy with my cock and making me think crazy things like how much I want to stay like this forever, connected inside of her. Only us, sharing each other.

“Is that your new fantasy?”

Her voice, like a siren call, has my hypnotized and all I can say is, “You are my fantasy.”

I order myself to shut up before I say more or too much. My hands find her hips, guiding our rhythm as we lose ourselves in the moment.



While Sutton isin the shower, I decide to head downstairs and prepare some breakfast. As I reach the bottom step, I almost trip, startled by the unexpected sight of Callahan lounging on the leather couch. When did he arrive?

I don’t remember hearing the alarm or . . . I check my watch, and it’s just seven in the morning. Doesn’t he have work to do at the ranch? Fuck, did he hear Sutton scream? That woman needs to be . . . well nothing, I think it’s hot how she moans and groans when we’re having sex. I just don’t like knowing that my brother heard her.

“What are you doing here?” My eyebrows shoot up in surprise while he raises a mocking one, looking way too comfortable.
