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I was in the middle of changing Amelia’s diaper, making faces at her to distract her, when I heard Meredith’s voice behind me. I looked over my shoulder and was immediately struck by how beautiful she was. She’d tossed a robe on over her PJs, but her hair was still mussed and she had a slight glow. Maybe it was because she’d just woken up, but I liked to believe I was the one who put it there.

“I’m almost finished,” I said. “Sit, and I’ll bring her to you.”

We tried to get a routine going, but with one in school and a newborn still nursing, we seemed to constantly be adjusting.

She took a seat in the cushy rocker next to the window as I finished changing Amelia. “Thank you for this morning,” she said. “That was…better than coffee.”

“I’ll get that brewing for you too,” I said.

I carried Amelia to her mom and helped settle her in for her morning feeding. As I stepped back, I couldn’t help but smile, especially hearing Max’s paws on the wood outside the bedroom door. We still had Max, but he tended to drift to the kids more often these days. Meredith called him a traitor—jokingly, of course.

The truth was, sometimes she needed him. Medication and therapy were still essential, but having me around helped too. Three kids could take a toll, and she often found herself alone here with them while I was in the garage, working ten-hour days.

“Thank you,” Meredith said once Amelia had latched.

I tilted my head to the side. “For what?”

“For all your help,” she said. “For being you. The best day of my life was when I found you.”

“Same,” I said. “I never thought I could love someone this much. You and the kids are my…everything.”

She nodded. “We’ve made quite a home for ourselves, considering where we were in our lives before we met.”

I knew exactly what she meant. As I kissed her on the head and started for the kitchen, Max following at my feet, I felt at peace.

Sure, both of us had our issues, but together, we got through them. And our family was even stronger as a result.
