Page 121 of Carved in Scars

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They haven’t officially closed the case yet. Still, between that, the report Devon filed about what happened to me a day earlier, and the recorded confession, they do expect to render him the one responsible for her death soon.

They’re still hoping to find physical evidence or Darci’s cell phone. Grace is being held for questioning while they try to figure out if she knew about it or was involved in any way. I’m not sure if she did, but I hope she gets what she deserves.

Meanwhile, I’m sitting on Devon’s computer googling us like he said he always does, and he’s right—it’s terrible but addicting. I can’t stop reading.

I also can’t believe how many pictures of me playing volleyball exist on Reddit. Some people even wrote fanfiction about us—extremely violent, extremely sexual fanfiction. Who does that? And has Devon read it?

A knock on the door makes me jump. “Ally?”


“Can I come in?” Jeff asks.

“Yes,” I tell him.

“He’s awake,” he says. “I’m going to go see him now. Do you want to come with me?”

“Oh my god, yes. Thank you,” I tell him.

I close the laptop, swing my legs over the edge of the bed, and slip on my Vans before forcing myself to stand.

“Do you need some help getting down the stairs?”

I meet his eyes and lie. “No, I’ll be okay.”

I can tell he knows I do, but he nods and starts down the staircase in front of me, checking over his shoulder to ensure I’m doing okay as I try to put as much weight as possible onto the handrail.

The ride to the hospital is quick and quiet. We take the elevator up to the fifth floor, and Devon is there, sitting in bed watching TV. I expect him to look frail and broken, but he doesn’t. He even smiles when we walk through the door.

I let his dad go to him first; he holds him and tells him how glad he is to see that he’s okay. Then I fall into his arms and try my best not to start crying again.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

“I should be asking you that,” I tell him. “I’m better now.”

His dad solemnly updates him on everything we’ve learned over the past twelve hours, and he nods and listens, but mostly, he’s just watching me watch him.

Like I’m the only person in the room—like I’m the only thing that matters.

Afterward, Jeff tells him he’s going down to the cafeteria to get some coffee and something to eat, but I think maybe he just wanted to give us some time to talk alone.

“That’s my hoodie,” Devon says when he leaves the room.

I look down at the black skull hoodie and shrug. “I told you I sleep in it every night.”

“Come here. Lie down with me.”

“I don’t want to hurt you,” I tell him.

“I’m not that fragile, Ally. People like us don’t break easily.”

I climb onto the bed, and he wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead.

“Your dad was there to get me when they discharged me this afternoon. He said I could stay as long as I want.”

“Will you?” he asks. “Stay?”

“For a little while…if that’s okay. Until we’re both better.”
